Why I Investigated “Pastor” Eli James
In my search for the truth, I had come to a point where I realized the Jews were behind, at the top and at the bottom of everything evil. I came across “Pastor” Eli James with another fellow named Pastor Greg Howard. I was amazed at the language and the bashing of Jews and told a friend, “If you think I dislike the Jews, you should hear these two fellows” My first impression of these two was…”Here’s two Jews starting a new religion” I later told Eli about this and of course, as I would later see the pattern, there was NO REPLY. Of course, I later found that Eli was continuing to penetrate and promote Christian Identity in order to mongrelize, Catholicize, Universalize and destroy it. This is exactly what has been going on for years and is continuing to this very day.
I had listened to all of his shows from Talkshoe and remember that he was always laughing at everything including the miseries of other people. If he laughed about Jews miseries I didn’t care. This laughter at the wrong things made me shake my head and often I would say to myself “What is this guy laughing at, that’s not funny. There is something very wrong here.” I also remember that he predicted that the world would end on December 21st 2012 which was what the Mayan Calendar predicted.
The Mayan calendar is an ancient calendar system that rose to fame in 2012, when a “Great Cycle” of its Long Count component came to an end, inspiring some to believe that the world would end at 11:11 UTC on December 21, 2012. The media hype and hysteria that ensued was later termed the 2012 phenomenon. 12 21=33 3×3=9
When the date passed, he tried to cover it all up and this is all a matter of record. There is no denying this. I testify that I heard him say it on at least one of the talkshoe shows. He had a countdown clock on his site at the time to count down to the end of the world…his prophecy. All you have to do is look this information up and you will see it for yourself. These are not rumors, these are facts. I don’t deal in rumors, I deal in and with facts. I was willing to give the benefit of the doubt and allowed this “mistake” because no more prophesies were given by him that I know of. His talkshoe shows were not really teaching anything much and took an immense amount of shows to finish a single book. Greg would go on tangents that made the shows qualify as “spoon feeding”.
SPOON-FEEDER AGENT–Someone who dribbles out legitimate information, this is often done to build up a person’s credentials (bona fides). Lots of the people who are pretending to expose the NWO (JEWS) are spoon-feeder agents who provide a little new information, tons of already known secrets, and sprinkle in a measure of disinformation for added fun. Generally spoon-feeders increase their percentage of disinformation once they gain respectability. There are very few people really exposing anything of consequence about the NWO.
I noticed even back then that Eli was not an original thinker. He always had to have a sidekick and documents that others have written to do his shows, and still does. One of his personality traits that myself and others noticed was that he had a lack of caring about things. His work in every way was lackluster. There was an obvious pretense and this is proven by his laughing at the wrong things. Everything I say can be proven by his own shows. On a somewhat recent VOCI show, Pastor Martens told Eli his computer was being held by ransomware for 800 dollars. Eli laughed at that and I shook my head and wondered if Pastor Martens realized the situation. This is just one of a thousand examples of his lack of caring. He Implied that he paid for everything to move me from Boston and it was a lie. The facts are, I flew him to Boston, picked him up at the airport, paid for everything, and I mean everything, including him driving the rental truck back to Chicago and dropping it off at Uhaul. I then paid the final bill. He paid for his plane ticket but I reimbursed him for it. This implication is a form of lying by not telling the whole truth. There are people who actually believed this deception.
Eli comes off like a typical Jew always smiling and laughing. After all, who can say anything is wrong with a fellow like that? It’s a technique and a subtle one at that. The quintessential question I asked Eli was “Why does everyone keep calling you a Jew”. I mean there must be a real reason, not the diversionary tactic Eli tried to use by saying…”When people can’t refute my doctrine, the last resort they have is to call me a jew”.
He has been accused off copy pasting his book and after all I have studied about this character, I believe it is highly likely. A fellow who has to have a sidekick and a set of documents written by others at all times speaks volumes to me.
Back to previous days. After hearing the Talkshoe shows, I tried to get in touch with Eli and was able to a few times. He didn’t really want to speak on the phone for long, and a different name came up on the caller ID, which I ignored, for I knew nothing of that name until later. He told me I should speak with Paul and I did. Before this time, I was told by friends and acquaintances that I should have a radio show and I just shrugged it off and said “MAYBE SOMEDAY”. The only thing I had done was to interview Eustace Mullins a few times, but not on radio.
Paul asked me if I would like to do a radio show on EFR and I thought the Father was wanting me to do this, and so I did. I knew nothing about Christian Identity and I was still learning much about the Jews. I wasn’t aware of the names changing patterns of the Jews until EFR. I knew Musicians and Actors had stage names but that was about the extent of it. It was assumed that I was a member of CI, and I saw no harm in it until later when I would find that CI was loaded with agents, mamzers and practicing liars. Not saying everyone, just stating what I have found to be true.
Agents were often brought in by Eli James who I believe is a mamzer/Jew and agent-provocateur after Yahweh revealed, and is continually revealing to me and many of our Brethren. Make no mistake, almost everyone who has come in contact with Eli James has called him a Jew and has separated from him, including mamzers he has bought into CI. They are now, and have in the past, been in the chatrooms guised as CI elders. Some of the names are:
Captain witness: A.K.A. Commander McBragg and Stephen J Elder in the past and in the present also I believe is MrKimSmith. Not positive, but no white man calls himself Kim. Asians do.
“Pastor” Visser: Visser is a self-confessed mamzer…Provided by the Brethren.
United Church of Yahweh fell apart late 2008 after Visser created so
much distrust and discord that Pastor Jon Williams couldn’t hold it
together anymore and simply quit in disgust. The fact that Laslo
Patterson had been embezzling ministry funds for non-church enterprises
didn’t help. Darren Howard took over and ran UCOY for a few more weeks
assisted by Visser, who himself suddenly vanished without trace in early
to mid-2009 along with his web site and forums. They all just shut down
and disappeared. Word finally reached us via an announcement from Visser
that he was permanently quitting CI. Darren Howard finally shut down
UCOY and started his own ministry The Remnant Way in 2009.
What actually happened was this. Visser had been laid off from
Caterpillar and as domestic tension mounted his wife Bridget had left
him, taken their children and gone back to live with her family in
Washington State. His mother in law who apparently despises him had
taken out an injunction against him to stay away from her home and
family which he almost immediately broke. He was subsequently arrested
and spent around three weeks in custody on stalking charges. One of his
wife’s families’ chief objections to him was that he was promoting racism
and violence. In order to refute the claims he got his brother Aaron
Visser to delete his forums and web site content and to present
testimony to the court including family photographs to prove that he was
not in fact white, and so could not possibly be a racist nazi. During a
hearing in 2010 and while standing under the authority of the judge
Visser admitted that he was not white but was in fact Cherokee, so the
claims of his wife’s family had to be false. Supported by the fact that
all his on-line presence along with all incriminating evidence of his
criminal conduct such a forum posts and web site material going back
several years, had been deleted.
Later that year he suddenly returned along with his CPM website and
forum, albeit without any of the previous content.
This fellow was associated with the Hal Turner Network and Eli brought him into EFR.
Yes, another agent and a mamzer.

Visser has reopened Covenant People’s ”Ministry” in 2019 and claims to be a CI “Pastor” once again.
Right from a paper of Eli’s…2010.
“One of ZOG?s favorite tactics against True Israel is to prop up phony pastors. They usually come out of the prison system. I have had much personal experience with the subversives among us, as I have related in this earlier article, posted on my website:”
http://anglo-saxonisrael.com/site/node/111. The link conveniently no longer works.
Mar 25, 2017 – By Pastor Eli James …. Here is the typical profile of an informant/infiltrator:
Profile of an Infiltrator
Both White Nationalism and Christian Identity have had to deal with infiltraitors for a very long time. The process of infiltrating White patriotic organizations actually began during World War II, when the Ku Klux Klan was heavily infiltrated by agents under FDR (Federal Dictator Rosenfeldt), a Jew-rat if there ever was one. During the communist/Zionist Rosenfeldt regime, true patriots, who were opposed to America?s entry into WWII, were persecuted and smeared as ?Nazis,? even though they were merely opposed to another useless war. Sound familiar? Has anything changed? Ezra Pound, Elizabeth Dilling and Charles Lindberg, Jr., the famous aviator, were targeted by the ZOG beast in the most vindictive manner. Anyone who publicly stated that it was Jewish bankers who were promoting WWII was shouted down and smeared.
The infamous 1977 Nazi demonstration in Skokie IL was actually arranged by a Jew, Frank Collin, posing as a Nazi. {See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Collin After being exposed as a jewish infiltrator, Collin left the neo-Nazi movement and became a pornography distributor.} Given all of the money the Jews have, it is easy for them to hire people to infiltrate any and all patriotic movements. Today?s Jews are even bragging that they have infiltrated the Tea Party movement, in order to undermine it.
The German philosopher, Arthur Schopenhauer, was one of the first to expose this Jewish tactic, when he said,
“Every time new and promising opportunities for meddling have arisen, the Jew has been immediately involved. He has demonstrated an uncanny ability to sniff out like a bloodhound anything which was dangerous to him. Having found it, he uses all his cunning to get at it, to divert it, to change its nature, or, at least, to deflect its point from its goal. How does the Jew respond? He establishes a Schopenhauer Society.” – http://www.jrbooksonline.com/eckart.htm
To demonstrate how well Arthur Schopenhauer understood the perfidious Jew, he also said,
“While all other religions endeavor to explain to the people by symbols the metaphysical significance of life, the religion of the Jews is entirely immanent and furnishes nothing but a mere war-cry in the struggle with other nations.”
Alas, their power is today stronger than it has ever been, at any time in history! Satan is, indeed, the prince of this world! We have to understand how these Jew-financed infiltraitors operate and how they insinuate themselves into our company.
Here is the typical profile of an informant/infiltrator: Someone who
- has been prosecuted and convicted of a crime and sent to prison. Usually, these potential informants are convicted of drug charges, as in the case of Bradley Jenkins, who was posing as an Aryan Nations ?Identity minister? right after his release from jail. Sometimes, these potential prisoners agree to become informants before going to prison, and make a deal to avoid prison.
) plea-bargained for a lower sentence.
3.) had his sentence reduced in exchange for being let out early.
4.) after being released, appears out of nowhere, claiming to be a White nationalist, patriot, or Christian Identity.
5.) incites people to commit violent or illegal acts.
6.) talks a good game at first, bashing the jews and commies, but does not walk the Identity walk.
7.) as he attracts his own following, he begins bashing real patriots
8.) never produces any Christian scholarship of his own. Rather, he uses the cut and paste technique of posting factual articles about the jews and Zionism, but never doing any positive work.
9.) avoids the ?Good News? that Yahshua will return to destroy our enemies. Instead, he encourages us to engage in violent acts or violations of the law.
10.) flagrantly disobeys Yahweh?s laws, while claiming to be an ?Identity minister.?
11.) once exposed for these violations of Identity protocol, he begins all out attacks on real Identity adherents.
Eli brought William Finck and Pastor Steve in from this same type of situation. See William Finck’s comment below. He says Eli never brought him into CI. It’s up to you to read between the lines folks. I am not attacking Finck, just stating facts here. Much of what Finck has said about Eli is absolutely true. I had given Eli the free pass on this and had not given Finck’s work any attention. This was also a mistake. As of late I have looked into Finck’s works on Eli and they coincide with my and other brethren’s conclusions. There are so many things that just don’t add up about Eli, it is astounding. Could it be that his prison ministry is just to bring in more agents from the prisons? Very good question isn’t it? After all this is a pattern, is it not? These people have time to learn the Scriptures. When they get out, they know the lingo of CI and can infiltrate much easier. We wouldn’t want them to waste their time now would we? These are the slippery tactics of these enemies of the Father. Remember, it’s all about promoting CI and EFR, not about promoting the Father Yahweh. This is where everyone goes wrong. Folks, it’s all about the Father, not organizations or men. Let’s keep our priorities straight.
This fighting between the agents of CI is just the Hegelian Dialectics at work. They all fight against each other to discredit CI which is exactly what the Jew wants. Eli tried to marry the Mayan Calendar, Catholicism, mamzers, agents, Nibiru, the alien movement etc to CI in order to discredit and destroy the movement he claims he is the biggest proponent of. The Father knows much more than I do on who and what this character is. After Eli helped me move here, I paid him to do work work on two different occasions on my home. He also expected to record in my studio for free. This could be why he helped me move. Like Pastor Steve who will forever be beholden to Eli, I think this was a way to possibly to cause me be beholden as well. A very Jewish technique.
Crazy things happened like two GCI outlets were supposedly blown by the light above my kitchen sink, which I found out later was a ridiculous notion.
It seemed that Eli was not the worker or expert in the professions that he claimed to be. A brother that was a true worker in the professions of carpentry, electricity etc, saw the work and said it was sub-par at best and the GCI’s which Eli had me buy at a cost of 15 dollars each tested to be fine.
I knew about Eli’s real identity and began to see that it was possible that this so-called business that he was supposedly involved for 30 or 40 years didn’t match with his work ethic and abilities. This made me suspicious that this business was a cover and part of his new identity. He left me out there hanging with the work unfinished. The Father sent another brother to clean up the mess so to speak. The brother was astounded at the lackluster abilities and we discussed many things about this character and his anomalies. Things just didn’t fit. Things just didn’t add up.
For instance, let’s go to the Feast that wasn’t a feast that I attended. Eli was supposed to be a leader, but there was no structure or leadership at the feast. It was not anything like “Pastor Steve” said it was, who I found out later to be a practicing liar. He proclaimed “This was the best feast ever”. If this was the best feast ever, I’d hate to have attended the other feasts. The truth is, there was no feast. I had suggested we do the laying on of hands ceremony because there were several people at the feast with physical problems. If I had not suggested it, it would not have happened. Steve did the anointing and Eli acted as if he was a third wheel and wasn’t familiar with this ceremony. Wouldn’t this make you wonder? It did me and another brother there as well. Also, when we arrived at the camp site, professor truth started recording us with a hand held camera, shoving it in our faces which we didn’t like very much. At the campfire, Professor truth said twice with length between “I used to work for the CIA but I am not an Agent” After he said that the second time, I pointed at him and said that’s the second time you said that, and I got Elkie and waved as I left the camp site. Eli who slept with Steve suddenly came into the camper I was sleeping in and said professor truth is not an agent, he works for the department of defense. LOL. Are you kidding me? He asked me to be civil to professor truth for the duration. As he laid down on the bed he was going to sleep in, I said Eli, a lot of people in CI believe you are a Jew, but I think you are legit, But if you are a Jew, the Father will let us know. What do you think was his reaction? SILENCE yet again.
We soon left the so-called feast and went back to a brother’s house in Mississippi. I was there for some time and I wanted to give the couple private time together, so I went to lie down and think in the bedroom. I began to reflect on the whole feast and it suddenly dawned on me that we were ignoring something that was always right in front of us, Eli’s skin disease. You see it, yet you choose to ignore it like you do when you see a nigger on the street. You don’t want the nigger there, so you ignore it.
I knew that skin diseases were very heavy in Jews and a brother and sister who saw the disease said it was a nigger’s disease…VITILIGO. Eli had told me and all the other Brethren that it was caused by a sun burn. I believe he lied about this and he still maintains the lie. There could be a remote possibility I am wrong, but I highly doubt it.
Eli James tried so hard to bring in the agent who called himself “Professor Truth”. He was angry that I was spoiling the pie. I had counseled both Steve and Eli during a conference about the Adultery of Professor Truth, that we don’t mix the Alien agenda with CI or the truth and that this is what George Noory and Art bell did to discredit the conspiracy movement. This continues to this day. I also let them know I was watching them, not only on this occasion, but on several others as well. Brother Leroy and Sister Marilyn were present and can attest to my counsel during this phone conference. Eli tried to keep it going with PT and said he was back with his wife within less than a week, may I add, and that they should continue finishing up the work they were doing. I did not agree. I stayed clear from this fellow from day one. At the feast, he was trying to flatter everyone and he called us “Master Teachers” to which I looked at him with disgust. It seemed clear to me that Eli and Steve loved this flattery and sucked it up. I told them I was watching them. At the feast two adulterers were baptized By “Pastor” Steve and Eli stood there again like a third wheel that had no Idea how to baptize. I would hope you would start to question things at least at this point. I began to realize that EFR was a ship at sea without a Captain. I asked brothers “would the Father put someone in the leadership position if they were not a leader?” Regarding Eli’s height, it was also interesting because Eli is about 5’6. He lied when he said he was 5’9 and he is so ignorant in this lie that he forgot about the many brethren who have met him and know that he is definitely not 5’9. People have said that people will just believe anything he says and maybe that is true.
I had shared my concerns with very few Brethren. I shared them with “Pastor” Steve and a fellow named Jim. Both of these said they had concerns as well and I asked them to keep this to themselves. They both betrayed my trust and told Eli during the Passover Feast. They neglected to tell him their concerns about him though. Very convenient. Remember, I already told Eli I was watching him and that if He was a Jew, The Father would let us know. Well, the Father let us know and my, did He let us know. During a chat, Eli accused me of spreading rumors. As I said Before, I don’t deal in rumors, I deal in and with facts. Steve was spouting some crap about how he was going to miss me and I retorted that he wouldn’t have had to miss me, if he hadn’t betrayed me. Eli told me both Steve and Jim told him “I CALLED HIM A JEW”. That is a lie, I told them I was looking into whether he was a Jew. Steve said he didn’t tell Eli, Jim did. I said thanks for telling me this because it proves Eli Lied to me. Steve was caught. He then said I only told Eli after Jim told him. I said, a moment ago you said you didn’t tell Eli, now you say you did, that means you are a liar. He did that right in front of everyone in the chat. I have the chat saved. Steve’s lies continued on when he said “I don’t listen to David James’ shows”. The proof? In the last six months or around there, Steve had been saying to Eli on nearly every show, that David James’ shows are really incredible. If you are a listener of these practicing liars, you will know that I am speaking the truth.
When I was rebuking the show hosts on my shows for not defending the truth and questioning why some of the shows were on EFR in the first place, Steve had no problem with those rebukes then. It was only when Eli needed fodder to use against me that Steve suddenly had a problem and lied about listening to my shows. I warned the Brethren not to lie to the Holy Spirit, They ignored that warning and did just that when they lied to all of us. Many an email I got about these liars and it shows that some of our Brethren are right on top of things. They claimed I was causing disunity, but I was rebuking people for not defending the truth.
Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate thee: rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee. Did they love me? Was I causing Disunity?
“Pastor” Steve lied and said over and over that he had nothing to do with me being kicked off. Another lie was that EFR’s numbers were way up after my shows were removed. Once you catch these liars in one lie, it just snowballs from there. They both claimed they had counselled me many times. Yet, this is another lie. Steve never has counselled me and Eli had counselled me twice that I can remember. Once about speaking of the women and once about Professor Truth. They also claimed they had to forgive me close to 490 times. Pure lies.
They claim that it is biblical to have a couple of Brothers talk to the offender to set him straight. This was not done and if you believe it was, again, you have been lied to. Eli and I had a short Skype together. I was having problems, so I would call him back on my laptop. As I was passing through the room, I had an alert on my computer that My EFR password had been changed. I called Eli on my laptop Skype and said I guess there’s no point in this conversation because I saw that I was already kicked off EFR. Eli asked me if I was an agent. We both raised our voices and the conversation was hung up by Eli. You people are being lied to by practicing liars. I am just as surprised as you are. The crazy thing is that Steve is a bigger liar than Eli. I am surprised, but this is a fellow that talks about himself all the time. His favorite words are I, Me, My and MINE. He is proud of his days of sin and tells you so, over and over and over again, ad nauseam. PS is one of the most crass individuals I have ever encountered until I heard Mazzone. Steve is so loud and ignorant, I call him “the bad sounding horn”. If he were a dancer, he would be the type to step all over the woman’s toes. When “Pastor” Steve speaks it’s like an ill wind that goes out to devastate the land. He’s telling everybody what to do and what not to do and how he supposedly follows the Scriptures. All the while he is lying and to tell you the truth I don’t believe a word he or Eli says. P Steve says I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I so many times, I thought he was the Frito Bandito…I, I, I, I…I am a practicing liar… I mean Frito Bandito. LOL.
These men don’t know the meaning of the title Pastor and are not Pastors at all. This is just a title that the need to keep saying to convince you that they are legit. I have dubbed Eli “The Teflon Rabbi” because he seems to leave every situation unscathed. For instance…It’s Steve who is in trouble, yet Eli continues on seemingly untouched. Eli has left situation after situation, scattering the sheep and has been able to continue to deceive and lie, virtually untouched. This is because people won’t look into the history of what he has done in the past.
On a recent show, The Restoration Hour, Eli had a fellow named James McManus on. I was alerted to this by a dear sister. I haven’t been listening very much to their shows and was unaware not only of who this fellow really is, but also of who he is not. I began to listen to this show and the spirit of this fellow was so vile it makes one wonder how much discernment people have. He said he was an Irishman, but he sounded like a New York mobster. I knew he was an ITRALIAN, not Italian. You know what that means. Eli was interrupted and abused by this fellow that had the etiquette of a fourth-worlder. This spirit was so disgusting. It claimed it had an online Ministry. It also claimed it was in charge of the finances of another ministry. I could not believe my ears. Eli has done more shows that any one I know and yet he is still not a professional radio host. It goes along with all the other questions and riddles about this character. This was so low class, that any real Christian that would hear this would be able to tell this man was laden with heavy sin. I did some investigation and here’s what I found:
An excerpt from this link:
My name is Catherine Tammala Ann Daniels, and I am 18 years old.
It has been a little over a year since my nightmare began, and I
feel that now is the time to come forward. I have not come forward
before because they have threatened the safety of my daughter, my
family, and myself. I have been sent pictures of them with guns
(AK-47’s and semi-automatic shotguns) with captions reading that
they are watching over me and my daughter. They have threatened to
kidnap my daughter from the safety of her home to guarantee my
silence… It’s went on long enough, it’s time that I came forward
with what I know.
It’s difficult to believe that I have gotten in this deep. Almost
two years ago, I didn’t even know what the term Aryan Nations meant.
I thought it was just a little town in New Jersey where James
McManus, the preacher I was speaking to online lived at. I was 17
years old when communication started, seven months pregnant, and
ready to settle down. I wanted to provide my daughter with a safe
family and home to grow up in with a steady and secure environment
around her. I thought that a preacher would be exactly what my
family wanted for me, so I continued correspondence with him.
At first things were sweet. He asked a lot of questions, but I
guess all people online do that to try and find out if the person
behind the name is what they say they are, or just an online
“persona” of what they want you to believe. He seemed so real, and
I thought I could trust him. He was a preacher … wasn’t he? I
now know that I was a little naive and should have paid more
attention to what wasn’t being said.
James Mazzone, a/k/a Jim McManus
He told me he was 38 years old, and couldn’t have children, so the
fact that I was pregnant was great. He explained to me about his
religious beliefs, and asked me a lot of questions about me and my
family. He even wanted to know if we knew our background origins.
What race we were seven years back. I told him I didn’t know, but
my father said we were Celtic and German, and my mother told me
Italian and Celtic. He told me that was perfect, but I really didn’t
think anything of it.
We talked quite a bit, and when I decided to place my daughter for
adoption after her rough start at birth, he seemed rather upset
yet pleased. He told me that I deserved a healthy child, but
sometimes, we all have problems here and there. That I should just
move on with life, and be thankful that I can have children. He
promised me that things would be okay, and that I should really
start looking into coming to NJ for a visit with him. He told me
I would be safe there with him, and I could begin a new life,
starting with new friends, new job, new everything.
One day, he sent me a link to a website for Aryan-Nations. He told
me to read it, and tell him what I thought about it, so I did. It
spoke that the Jews were evil, and that nonwhite children were not
children of God, but children of Yejudi-Shataan. It told how the
first man was white, therefore the chosen children of YHVH (as they
called GOD) were indeed pure white children. Reading all the
information he sent me, it kind of opened my eyes, and I believed
what they were saying was true. Wasn’t there more nonwhites in the
jails and committing crimes? Wasn’t there more diseases since the
black man came to America? I really thought what they were teaching
was true, and I told him so. After that, he pleaded with me to come
to NJ again.
I did begin to think about it, and one day while online, a lady
came forth and identified herself as his wife. He told me he had
never been married, so I thought it was someone fooling around
online with his screen name … that was until she called me. She
told me that I wasn’t the only young lady that he was doing this
to, and that he had a prison record under a different name. So I
called NJDOC, and had them fax me his criminal record, and there
it was in black and white. Eight years behind bars as a drug dealer
and a name entirely different from what he had given me. He told
me that was the past, and he was clean now… I thought I could
believe him… I thought I trusted him.
Federal investigators have previously explored Redfeairn’s connections to a convicted New Jersey drug dealer, James Mazzone.
Mazzone, who joined the Aryan Nations under the name James McManus, has been under investigation in New Jersey after state and federal investigators received information about him from a former girlfriend.
Do the work and find out that he is a race mixer and so much more. You should be able to tell that just from his voice and spirit. These are the kinds of people Eli brings into CI and associates with.
On the show, Eli tries to play like he didn’t bring William Finck into the fold. He tries to play the innocent victim of Finck’s diabolical beliefs. I told you this is just a play. Professional wrestling. The Hegelian Dialectic. He says Finck was a cop and once a cop, always a cop. Does that apply to Andy and Professor Truth too? Did Andy write a book or did he copy paste information to make his book. I leave that to your capable minds to discern. That is a technique that Eli pointed out may I remind you. There is a threat right at the end of the show that is implied. Also, hypocrisy.
There was a warning for people who “SPREAD RUMORS” to shut their their mouths and Eli even said you could get someone mad and lose you life. This is an implied threat, make no mistake. Listen below.
The Threat
This is the reality of Eurofolkradio. Since I have been exiled, the eagle is no longer on the pole. The eagle is now watching what the Father will do.
One more thing. I had seen a picture of the Hart Brothers and before I was told it was them I said, “These are Jews”. I addressed this with Paul and he said that they weren’t likely Jews. He said they had neighbors that were Jews that wanted to socialize with them and they declined. I know that Jews don’t want to socialize with us Anglo Saxons, and that they recognized the Harts as their own. That’s why they wanted to socialize with them.
The excuse about the earring, He didn’t know what the star was. LOL.
Graham Hart Quotes:
“It’s not skin colour, I’ve got a few black friends, or should I say non
white, or whatever you want to call it. I’ve got a few friends of
different skin colour, and they’re European, they’ve been brought up in
European culture, and their skin colour means nothing to me. I’m
thinking of one guy in my head, a black guy and he’s as Cornish as I am.
absolutely as Cornish as I am. It’s got nothing to do with skin colour,
it’s got to do about culture. F***k the f***g Bible. I don’t need a
f***g book to tell me how to live.”
A reflection of Eurofolkradio.
Here’s some photos I made so you can see that Eli definitely resembles Jews. Others I did not make. It’s not important that you think these rabbis are Eli, what’s important is the uncanny resemblance.
They have now made disclaimers that they believe will exonerate them from defending the truth, but it will not. They have been told that the term used against our race which I call ANTI-JEWISHISM, needs to be destroyed. They know this, use the the term ad nauseam and give our enemies a helping hand in destroying us. This is rebellion.
You have to hear this to see how desperate the situation really is…prepare yourself.
You see, they hope you won’t investigate. They count on your laziness and take advantage by not telling the whole truth. EFR is a British/American operation and it is a very small fish in a very large ocean. It looks bigger than it is.
I am glad that the Father took me out of that situation. I was doing all kinds of work for them and they turned on me within a HARTbeat. Now I can see things more clearly and the Father just keeps revealing more and more in accordance with my prayer requests. I was prodded by the Father to do this article and I hope you will be educated by it. Do the research and you will find that I have not lied to you. I wouldn’t dare lie to the Holy Spirit.
In Eli James’ song Messiah he questions “Are you really there”, questioning whether Yahweh or Yahshua really exists. This is very disturbing and a sign that he really doesn’t believe in the Father or the Messiah. You should realize that this question does damage to some of the sheep subliminally.
I suggest you do more research because I know much more than what is in this article.
Here’s some links to consider:
May Yahweh Bless and protect you all,
David James