SAXON’S CREED with your host David James. David teaches on a vast amount of subjects that will help you to connect the dots. He will give Bible instruction as well as teaching you the patterns of our enemy…the Jew. He doesn’t bother with political correctness or dancing around the subject. He gives it to you straight from the heart. There is no room for “they” or “the new world order” He says it straight out “it’s the Jews”.
The verses about being smite on the cheek etc. has to do with the Laws of Dueling, which also proves that Europeans are the True Israelites. They are the only people who have had rules governing Dueling, which was also in effect 2000 years ago among our people. Pete Peters explained these versus 30 years ago. If you are slapped on the cheek it means you have offended someone and are being challenged to a Duel. But if you are a Christian and everyone knows you are, and you know you have offended a Brother for no reason, you are obligated to turn the other cheek, in obedience to Yahweh’s Law. In Dueling Law, the Person challenged could turn the other cheek, which meant he has offered to “take back” what he did or said. If the Brother who challenged you, then slapped the other cheek, it meant he accepted the retraction and the Duel was called off. If you know you are wrong, you are not to go forward with the Duel, and possibly kill your Brother. With the giving him your cloak also verse, it has to do with somebody suing you for a wrong they think you committed against them. If you are a Christian, you are not to have a situation where a Brother is saying you owe them. So you are to compensate them even more, so they can never say you cheated them, or still owe them. For the verse go with them not 1 mile but twain, has to do with a Roman soldier who encountered you along the road. If you are a Roman Citizen, he could compel you to carry his pack for 1 mile, that was the Law. But Yahshua is saying, to go 2 miles, if they know you are a Christian, give them more than what they ask, don’t give them any leeway to say you didn’t fulfill the mile. We are Representatives of Christ, and we are not to let anyone say we came up short on something, or cheated somebody. Yahshua is drawing parallels between Dueling, Court Cases, and Laws of the Roman Empire, and People knowing you are a Christian and judging Christians by what you do.

Your words and insights are like the sword of truth cutting though our false reality ! Good on you David James, keep up the good works.

You and all others in this battle for truth–not jewish gatekeepers– do the best you can according to the light given you–point here on our end–was some truth on the astounding arrogant lies against our beloved white christian German folk revealed by an impartial non jewish expert -fred l–the revealed objective fact that rabbi s in israel openly admit a plethora or tidal wave of lies that they assert are justified by their open talmudic hatred of goyim-no one dear wonderful david–is perfect on this planet–someone–as jim rizoli correctly says–has to get the false jewish boot–the false jewish narratives–off our necks–non incidentally–your podcasts seem better and better and better…please don’t give up your music either…that does not mean you are wrong to try to purify what can be purified and let others choose to willfully walk in abject satanic darkness..thank you for what you strive to communicate—-don’t–ever–