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Newsletter January 2020 monthly newsletter

Ladies and Gentlemen, here is the newsletter for January. I have transferred all the Bertrand Comparet and Dr. Wesley Swift tapes into the digital domain. Out of 41 tapes, we only got about 22. The reason was that there were many copies. Next time I will select more carefully. How could I have known? I have begun working on these materials.

I hope you are learning much in this study on the “Apostle” Paul. I never would have thought I’d be doing this study. I ignored the naysayers until I realized that Paul’s supposed conversion was not the way Yahweh does things. As we get to know the Father more, we will be tricked less and we will benefit from all His wonderful attributes. I just found out that Willie Martin also alerted on Paul. I’m sure there’s more people as well. I don’t want to read too much of others works yet. I want to see what the Father will show me first as you have heard in my shows. The William FG. Findlay tapes are very good though and I have learned much. It is amazing how things are becoming clearer and clearer. Thanks to all the brethren and sisters who send me their findings on this matter. Together we will come to know what has brought Christianity to its current low point.

As the Father has redeemed us through Yahshua’s precious blood, It is my mission to restore the Gospel of Yahshua, restore the Scriptures to One Testament, restore the Father’s name, and fight the war of words. I believe this should be our mission in these terrible days of lies and deceptions. May we restore Christianity to its proper place and may the Father deliver the lost sheep of the house of Israel from all the false religions of the world.

Please continue join me in praying imprecatory prayers against the enemy. The more of us that do, the greater the effect will be. I pray that Yahweh will cause them to fear and that this fear will grow exponentially, until it causes paralysis, and that it cannot be undone.  It seems these prayers are working as their fear really is growing at a more rapid pace. I am realizing more and more just how antiChrist this world is, and always was. When I was young, I thought the world was not out to harm us, but I was wrong. Look at the sellouts of today. They all are bowing their knees to Baal continuingly. They have no idea how much trouble they are in. They are going to cause much blood to spill and some of it will be their own. They don’t know how the jew works.

May the Father strengthen you and give you the courage that will be needed to become an overcomer. May He embolden you to stand always in His name and for His Kingdom. May you glorify Him in all things.

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Some items For Your Perusal 

Comparet’s Original Recording Machine

My Reel To Reel Recording Machine


Be Wise As Serpents

The Plot Against The Church

The Apostle Paul

Saul of Tarsus – False Apostle Paul Archive

Popes From The Ghetto

Well, I hope you are enjoying the shows and I hope you are liking and sharing them. Let’s win this thing as we must.
If you like what I do and you’d like to help me and share in these works, please consider giving a donation at the link below. Remember, giving is an opportunity for being blessed.

Thanks to all that help me in my work, whether it be in the past, present or future.


Until Next Time,
David James


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