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{Verse 1}

The birth and death of stars
Are like the face on Mars…in culmination

Looking through the glass
Seeing all that’s passed …in speculation

Time is now displaced
Turning to find
How it’s embraced
Down deep in your mind
It’s not erased

{Verse 2}

On the canyon’s edge
Lies another ledge…of enhancement

Swirling in the dark
Begging for the spark…of enchantment

Life…will it remain?
How can we know?
If it’s the same
Oh how will it grow?
Will it be plain?

{Verse 3}

Coldness of a ster
Planets that are far…from the station
Gaseous and enflamed
Lonely and untamed…degradation

Drawn deep into space
What will be found?
Without a trace
Lines turn into sound
It’s not replaced


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