Ladies and Gentlemen, as promised, I have a new song that I believe “We The People” need to hear. Our Country is in chaos and as I’ve told my listeners “Corruption leads to chaos and chaos leads to judgement”. We have come to the point that this song addresses and we need to start taking action immediately. If that action for some is prayer…so be it. If that action is to tell the truth to others…so be it. If that action means we have to stand together as a race for the good of the whole…so be it. For some it will be to boycott these traitors and the companies that we have fed for so long. We can no longer feed beasts that grow up to become giant beasts that abuse and poison us. We must now take responsibility rather than pretending this will all go away. The NFL and other sports like it should be offensive to you and you should realize and call this what it is…Hatred of our God, Our Nation, our culture and above all, our RACE…Yes RACE. The parasites that live among us are the true haters and they teach the other parasites they bring here to hate the white race. Sooner or later you are going to have to admit it and the sooner the better. Let us not pretend any longer. Let’s be real and face our enemies like we always have in the past. Stand up and shed off this doctrine of political correctness that has damaged our world. Let’s take control of words and no longer let them be used as a weapon against us. We, as whites, have not stood together and it has cost us everything. You can no longer be an island to yourself. There is strength in numbers and I have faith that you will make the right decision. I love our people and want them to come together so that we can clean up this mess we’ve made.
The enemies are in our camp and have been for a very long time. They have told you that you can do nothing about what’s happening, but I say you can and my hope and prayer is that you will. You can live without Hollywood. You can live without the Fake News Mainstream Media that has lied to you since the day you were born and has no intention of changing their spots. You must realize that you are and have been supporting your own destruction and you have paid for every link in the chain of your slavery in this modern day Babylon. “Come out of her my people” says The Heavenly Father Yahweh. “My people perish for the lack of knowledge”. You must begin to educate yourselves. You are responsible for your own education and I suggest it’s time now to prioritize. It’s time to reorganize how you value and use your time. Begin to use it wisely. Understand that knowledge is power and that Wisdom from The Father is much more valuable than rubies or the fake debt notes that you have pursued for most of your lives. Time is something the enemies have plenty of and they have made sure you don’t have plenty of it. It’s time to change that now. It can’t wait any longer if you want to be in The Father’s Kingdom.
Learn to cut the funding of our enemies by turning your TV into an education station. Hook up your computer to it and you will have a library larger than any in the world. You can make a difference! Learn to do without things you never needed in the first place. Fund people who are feeding you the truth and help others in your race only. This may sound strange to you but it is imperative at this juncture if we are to survive as a race. Two thirds of our race has been wiped off the earth in the last 150 years. Let’s have children and nurture ourselves back to health. Let’s return to The Heavenly Father and stop supporting our enemies. Let’s get our nation saved as this song says. Copyright 2017 Songbird’s Music. This is also a song for the Israelite Nations.
We made this mess and now “WE GOTTA CLEAN UP THE MESS”. I hope you enjoy the song and that you will tell people about it and encourage them to buy a copy to help me in my work. Just $1.49 in The Shop here :
The idea of painting and art started centuries ago. Everyone can relate to the beautiful colors and techniques that were developed over the years. One interesting ongoing research is how there came to be paintings of people found in an Egyptian tomb. Archaeologists found bright colors and the faces of people painted onto wood. These pieces of wood were then found covering Egyptian mummies. Researchers believe that these wooden paintings influenced the later painting styles and techniques for religious icons throughout Europe.
A fascinating thing about these discoveries is that the artists who created the artwork nearly 2,000 years ago relied on materials from distant cities in parts of Europe in order to create the lifelike portraits of the dead.
The portraits were discovered in an ancient Egyptian settlement known as Tebturnis, which is modern day Umm el-Baragat in Al Fayyumm. Surprisingly, this area had been overlooked for nearly 100 years. Aside from the papyri found in the area, the 15 Roman-era wooden paintings were first found by archaeologists in 1899.
Now, with new technology, archaeologists are able to look at the wooden images by studying the pigments, brush strokes, and the wood used to create the pieces. What the researchers discovered actually surprised them because the first pigments had been artificially manufactured. As for the bright colors, it was believed that the artists used them as the final top layer of paint.
However, these wooden portraits had been hidden beneath other colors. After further analysis, researchers realized why the artists paid so much for the pigments as their base coat – the red lead pigment used on the wooden portraits were tested and shown as having come from as far away as Spain. Other pigments used appeared to have been imported from Keos, Greece, and the wood that the portraits were painted on were imported from Central Europe.
Under all of the layers of red and yellow paint, the researchers found that the artists had sketched out the work with a certain pigment called Egyptian Blue, which was very valuable at the time. However, those bright colors were hidden under all the other colors.
The researchers on the team came from Northwestern University and The University of California, Berkeley. Phoebe A. Hearst from the Museum of Anthropology had suggested that in order to acquire such high-priced and rare paints, the artists must have relied on a vast trading network.
Another archaeologist on the team, Dr. Marc Walton, had said that this new type of research may shed light on where the techniques used in the Byzantine Empire came from. He added that the Roman-Egyptian portraits had been created in Egypt from the 1st and 3rd centuries AD. For example, the Egyptian artists’ techniques were actually used by Greek artists, who ended up creating the head-on portraits. Those techniques would go on to inspire the iconic images of Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, and angels in the Orthodox Christian and Catholic Churches.
He also added that the paintings were put on wooden panels and the artists had used wax which was originally attached to mummies. The portraits were considered to be “antecedents of Western portraiture.”
Walton expressed that the analysis shows that the artists’ styles had reflected the international perspective of the ancient Egyptians. He explained that a majority of the iron-earth pigments had come from Keos, Greece, and the red lead came from Spain. The artists also used the Egyptian blue in a different way in order to broaden their spectrum of hues.
The portraits found in the tomb are actually considered some of the best-preserved paintings from that time period. They are now also considered one of the most important collections in the world.
The way the researchers analyzed the portraits is by taking some tiny samples of the paint to study how the portraits were made and using some non-destructive imaging techniques. They were also able to work out the order of which parts of the paintings were built up and they also examined the brush strokes on the wood.
Just a word from me here, I didn’t write this article. This is more proof that whites were the Egyptians and there’s no dancing around this. Unless, maybe you think that black s were obsessed with white art? LOL. Let’s wake up to reality and stop feeding the blacks with delusions of grandeur. The Jews are trying to decimate all of white history and to pretend we never existed. The Jews even spread lies about great men of history and get you to believe that these people were something lesser or pure evil, while they say they were persecuted for all of history for being God’s chosen people.Let’s face it, 96% of the mainstream media is owned by 6 Jews and we know they are liars and producers of FAKE NEWS. Lies, lies and more fables from Jews. Stop believing these liars TODAY!
The Bible tells us that when Jacob and his family migrated from Asia to Egypt, they were settled in “the land of Rameses” and that they became property owners there (Genesis 47:11, 27). Eventually, the Israelites were used as slave laborers to build the city of Rameses (Exodus 1:11), and when they left after 430 years (Exodus 12:40), they departed from Rameses (Exodus 12:37). From these references, we can conclude that the Israelites spent the years of the Egyptian Sojourn in and around Rameses.
“We not only know where Rameses was located, but we know much about the history of the ancient site.”
The name Rameses actually comes from a later period than the Israelite Sojourn. It was the name given to a city built by Rameses the Great (Rameses II) in the eastern Nile Delta in the 13th century BC. This more familiar name was then used retrospectively by later scribes when copying the Biblical texts. Although the location of Rameses was in dispute for some years, that dispute has now been settled. We not only know where Rameses was located, but we know much about the history of the ancient site.
Since 1966, extensive excavations have been undertaken there under the direction of Manfred Bietak of the Austrian Archaeological Institute, Cairo (for previous reports, see Shea 1990: 100-103; Wood 1991: 104-106; Aling 1996: 20-21). It is possible that Prof. Bietak may have, for the first time, found physical evidence for the presence of the Israelites in Egypt.
Archaeology uncovers the history of the land of Rameses
Ancient Rameses is located at Tell el-Daba in the eastern Delta, approximately 100 km northeast of Cairo. In antiquity, the Pelusiac branch of the Nile flowed past the site, giving access to the Mediterranean. In addition, the town lay on the land route to Canaan, the famous Horus Road. Thus, it was an important commercial and military center.
Now there arose a new king over Egypt, who did not know Joseph. —Exodus 1:8
We can divide the history of the site into three periods: pre-Hyksos, Hyksos and post-Hyksos. The Hyksos were a Semitic people from Syria–Palestine, who took up residence in the eastern Nile Delta and eventually ruled northern Egypt for some 108 years, ca. 1663-1555 BC (15th Dynasty).[1]Jacob and his family arrived in Egypt around 1880 BC, based on an Exodus date of ca. 1450 BC. That was in the pre-Hyksos period when the name of the town was Rowaty, “the door of the two roads” (Bietak 1996: 9,19). [2]
Could this be the Israelites?
Bietak may have, for the first time, found physical evidence for the presence of the Israelites in Egypt. It is the right culture in the right place at the right time.
The earliest evidence for Asiatics at Rowaty (the city that later named Rameses) occurs in the late 12th Dynasty (mid 19th century BC). [3] At that time a rural settlement was founded. It was unfortified, although there were many enclosure walls, most likely for keeping animals. The living quarters consisted of rectangular huts built of sand bricks (Bietak 1986: 237; 1991b: 32). It is highly possible that this is the first material evidence of Israelites in Egypt. It is the right culture in the right place at the right time.
Not all residents of the first Asiatic settlement at Tell el-Daba lived in huts. One of them, evidently an important official, lived in a small villa. The Bible tells us that Joseph became a high official after he correctly interpreted pharaoh’sdreams (Genesis 41:39-45). We are not told where Joseph lived while serving in the Egyptian bureaucracy. It seems logical to assume, however, that after discharging his duties associated with the famine, he would have moved to Rameses to be near his father and brothers.
The villa was 10 x 12 meters in size, situated on one side of an enclosure measuring 12 x 19 meters. It consisted of six rooms laid out in horseshoe fashion around an open courtyard. The most striking aspect of the house is that the floor plan is identical to the Israelite “four-room house” of the later Iron Age in Palestine (Holladay 1992a). In this type of house two side rooms and a back room were arranged around a central space, or courtyard. [5]
Nearby, arranged in a semi-circle around the villa, were poorer two-roomed homes, approximately 6 x 8 meters in size. If the villa was the home of Joseph, then the surrounding huts might have been those of Joseph’s father and brothers. Approximately 20% of the pottery found in the settlement debris was of Palestinian Middle Bronze Age type (Bietak 1996: 10). In the open spaces southwest of the villa was the cemetery of the settlement. Here, some of the most startling evidence was found.
Hebrew Tombs?
The tombs were constructed of mud bricks in Egyptian fashion, but the contents were strictly Asiatic. Although they had been thoroughly plundered, 50% of the male burials still had weapons of Palestinian type in them. Typically, the deceased males were equipped with two javelins, battle-axes and daggers. Tomb 8 contained a fine example of a duckbill-ax and an embossed belt of bronze (Bietak 1996: 14). One of the tombs, however, was totally unique and unlike anything ever found in Egypt…
Joseph’s tomb?
At the southwest end of the burial area, some 83 meters from the villa compound, was a monumental tomb, Tomb 1. It was composed of a nearly square superstructure containing the main burial chamber, and a chapel annex. In a robbers’ pit sunk into the chapel, excavators found fragments of a colossal statue depicting an Asiatic dignitary. The likeness was of a seated official 1 times life size. It was made of limestone and exhibited excellent workmanship. The skin was yellow, the traditional color of Asiatics in Egyptian art. It had a mushroom-shaped hairstyle, painted red, typical of that shown in Egyptian artwork for Asiatics. A throwstick, the Egyptian hieroglyph for a foreigner, was held against the right shoulder. The statue had been intentionally smashed and defaced (Bietak 1996: 20-21).
In his book Pharaohs and Kings: A Biblical Quest, David Rohl suggests that this is the tomb of Joseph himself (1995: 360-67).[6] The evidence seems to support this hypothesis. We must assume that Tomb 1 was that of the occupant of the villa, and thus possibly of Joseph himself. The Bible is very specific as to what became of Joseph’s body.
“So Joseph died, being one hundred and ten years old; and they embalmed him, and he was put in a coffin in Egypt.” —Genesis 50:26
Moses took the bones of Joseph with him during the Exodus because Joseph had made the sons of Israel swear an oath.
Joseph had said, “God will surely come to your aid, and then you must carry my bones up with your from this place.” —Exodus 13:19; cf. Genesis 50:25
Inside the burial chamber excavators found fragments of an inscribed limestone sarcophagus and a few bone fragments, but no intact skeleton as in the other tombs in the cemetery (Bietak 1991a: 61). Sometime after the burial, a pit was dug at the end of the chapel and a tunnel dug into the burial chamber. The “coffin” (sarcophagus) was then broken and the remains of the deceased removed by these “tomb robbers” (Rohl 1995: 363). It was common for tombs to be broken into in antiquity and the valuables removed, but to have the body taken is highly unusual.
Was the statue broken at the time the bones were removed, or was that done at another time? Archaeology cannot tell us the answer; we can only speculate.
It is likely that the statue was broken during a time of political turmoil (Bietak 1996: 21), possibly when the Hyksos took over rule of the region. It appears most likely that the “new king, who did not know about Joseph” (Exodus 1:8) was the first Hyksos king who came to power ca. 1663 BC.[7] At that time, the Israelites came under intense oppression (Exodus 1:9-11). Perhaps the Hyksos destroyed the statue when they overthrew local Egyptian authority. Since the remains in the tomb would also have been in danger, faithful Israelites may have removed them for safekeeping at this time.
Evidence that the Hyksos took control
In the next phase of occupation, [8] the humble dwellings of were covered over and a huge palace complex constructed. It is obvious that the newcomers, although Asiatic, were different from those in the previous period. [9]
The palace complex comprised several large buildings, purely Egyptian in style. It included upper stories, porticos, courtyards, pools, gardens and cemeteries (Bietak 1996: 21-30). The rich finds of this phase suggest that the occupants were high officials engaged in foreign trade. It appears that this was the initial phase of Hyksos settlement at the site. [10] With the coming of these peoples, the fortunes of the families of Jacob’s sons declined (Exodus 1:8-12a).
Without identifying inscriptions, we will never know for sure if the earlier people were Israelites. [11] Contemporary references to Jacob’s 12 sons have not been found. Since the sons of Jacob were humble shepherds, we should not expect to find such records, except possibly for Joseph.[12] However, there are ancient references to several of the tribes of Israel which, of course, were named after the sons of Jacob. So, in an indirect way, we do have inscriptional references to the sons of Jacob, albeit from a later time.
This much we can say about the discoveries in Rameses. The finds represent exactly what we would expect to find from Israelite occupation in Egypt.
The Egyptian word Hyksos means “foreign rulers.” In common usage, however, the term is used to refer in general to the Asiatics who settled in the eastern Delta of Egypt in the Second Intermediate Period. The dates for Hyksos rule are not known precisely. Those used here are based on the following:
Expulsion of the Hyksos in approximately the 15th year of Ahmose (Bietak 1991b: 48)
A total of 108 years for the rule of the Hyksos according to the Turin papyrus (Bietak 1991b: 48)
The chronology of Wente and Van Siclen for the 18th Dynasty (Wente and Van Siclen 1977: 218). This chronology gives a death date for Tuthmosis III of 1450 BC, which correlates with the Biblical date for the Exodus. According to Scripture, the Pharaoh of the Exodus perished in the Yam Suph (Exodus 14:5-9,18,28; 15:4,7; Psalm 106:9-11; 136:15), therefore, we correlate the date of the Exodus with the death date of the Pharaoh of the Exodus. The chronology of Wente and Van Siclen also incorporates the low date of 1279 BC for the accession of Rameses II accepted by most scholars today.
In the 14th Dynasty, toward the end of the 18th century BC, the name of the town was changed to Avaris, “the (royal) foundation of the district” (Bietak 1996:40). When the Hyksos later established their capital there, they retained the name Avaris. It was probably the Hyksos rulers who forced the Israelites to build the store cities of Pithom (= Tell el-Maskhuta) and Rameses (= Tell el-Daba = Avaris) (Exodus 1:11). When Rameses II rebuilt the city in the 13th century in the post-Hyksos period, and long after the Israelites had left Egypt, the name was changed to Rameses. The location of Pithom has also been a matter of some debate. Now, however, it seems quite certain that it should be located at Tell el-Maskhuta at the eastern end of the Wadi Tumilat, 15 km west of Ismailiya. Asiatic remains similar to those found at Tell el-Daba have been found there and attributed to the Hyksos (Holladay 1992b: 588-89; 1997:332-34). According to Holladay, the Hyksos occupation at Tell el-Maskhuta took place ca. 1750-1625 BC. It would have been sometime during this time period, then, that the Israelites built the store city of Pithom.
Area F/I, Str. d/2, and Area A/II, Str H
Str. d/2 at Tell el-Daba
In Palestine, the side rooms were usually delineated by stone columns. With the scarcity of stone in Egypt, this feature would not be expected. Holladay suggests that the ground floor of such a house was primarily utilized for the economic aspects of family life such as the storage of food, tools and supplies, and the housing of animals. The family living space, on the other hand, was most likely on the second floor.
As a result of his nontraditional chronology of ancient Egypt, however, British historian David Rohl dates Tomb 1 to the late 17th century BC (1995: 339), rather than the mid-nineteenth century as determined by the excavators. Since Rohl believes the Sojourn to be only 215 years based on the Septuagint (1995: 329-32), Joseph and Tomb 1 end up being approximately contemporary by his chronology. The present author, however, disagrees with both of these views and holds to conventional Egyptian chronology and a Sojourn of 430 years (Ex 12:40) as recorded in the Masoretic text of the Hebrew Bible. Moreover, Rohl places Joseph and Tomb 1 in Str. d/1, while the present author accepts the excavators’ dating of Tomb 1 to Str. d/2, and believes Str. d/2 to be a more compatible context for Joseph and the Israelites.
We are not certain of the name of the first Hyksos king. Redford suggests Salitis/Saites based on literary references (1992: 342), while Ward suggests Khyan based on inscriptional evidence (1984:162-72).
Str. d/1 dating to the early 13th Dynasty (early 18th century BC)
Str. d/2
Str. d/1
Str. d/2
There is a canal connecting the Nile with the Faiyum in the western desert named Bahr Yusuf, the “canal of Joseph.” Development of the Faiyum is associated with Dynasty 12, the time when Joseph was in Egypt carrying out land reforms (Genesis 41:46-49; Gardiner 1961: 35-36). Whether the name of the canal is ancient or from a relatively modern tradition is not known. Otherwise, the name of Joseph has not turned up in Egypt (see Aling 1996).
Y. Aharoni, The Land of the Bible
, revised edition, translated and edited by A.F. Rainey (Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1979).
C.F. Aling, “The Historicity of the Joseph Story,” Bible and Spade 9 (1996), pp. 17-28.
M. Bietak, Avaris and Piramesse: Archaeological Exploration in the Eastern Nile Delta, (London: The British Academy, 1986); “Der Friedhof in einem Palastgarten aus der Zeit des spten Mittleren Riches und andere Forschungsergebnisse aus dem stlichen Nildelta (Tell el-Daba 1984-1987),” Agypten und Levante 2 (1991a), pp. 47-109; “Egypt and Canaan During the Middle Bronze Age,” Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, 281 (1991b), pp. 27-72; Avaris: The Capital of the Hyksos, (London: British Museum Press, 1996).
A. Biran, “City of the Golden Calf,” Bible and Spade, 5 (1976), pp. 22-27; “To the God Who is in Dan,” in Temples and High Places in Biblical Times, A. Biran, editor, (Jerusalem: Hebrew Union College, 1981), pp. 142-51.
A. Chambon, “Tell el-Far’ah I: L’ge du Fer,” Mmoire 31 (Paris: Editions Recherche sur les Civilisations, 1984).
I. Finkelstein, “Izbet Sartah: An Early Iron Age Site Near Rosh Haayin, Israel,” BAR International Series 299 (Oxford: B.A.R., 1986).
V. Fritz and A. Kempinski, Ergebnisse der Ausgrabunden auf der Hiebet el-Msas (Tel Masos) 1972-1975 (Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1983).
A. Gardiner, Egypt of the Pharaohs (London: Oxford University Press, 1961).
H. Gauthier, Dictionnaire des noms goraphiques contenus dans les textes hiroglyphiques, Volume 1 (Cairo: L’Institute Franais d’Archologie Orientale, 1925).
H.L. Ginsberg, “Aramaic Letters,” in J.B. Pritchard, editor, Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1969), pp. 491-492.
D.V. Hadley, “Asher,” in D.N. Freedman, editor, The Anchor Bible Dictionary, Vol. 1 (New York: Doubleday, 1992), pp. 482-483.
J.S. Holladay, Jr. “House, Israelite,” in D.N. Freedman, editor, The Anchor Bible Dictionary, Volume 3 (New York: Doubleday, 1992a), pp. 308-18; “Maskhuta, Tell el-,” in D.N. Freedman, editor, The Anchor Bible Dictionary, Volume 4 (New York: Doubleday, 1992b), pp. 588-92; “Maskhuta, Tell el-,” in E.M. Meyers, editor, The Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near East, Volume 3 (New York: Oxford University Press, 1997), pp. 432-437.
K.A. Kitchen, Ancient Orient and Old Testament, (Downers Grove IL: InterVarsity, 1966); Ramesside Inscriptions Translated and Annotated: Notes and Comments, Volume 1 (Oxford: Blackwell, 1993).
A. Lemaire, “House of David Restored in Moabite Inscription,” Biblical Archaeology Review, 20/3 (1994), pp. 30-37.
C.C. McCown, Tell en-Nasbeh I (Berkeley: The Palestine Institute of Pacific School of Religion, 1947).
A.L. Oppenheim, “Babylonian and Assyrian Historical Texts,” in J.B. Pritchard, editor, Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1969), pp. 265-317, 556-567.
D.B. Redford, “Hyksos: History,” in D.N. Freedman, editor, The Anchor Bible Dictionary, Volume 3 (New York: Doubleday, 1992), pp. 341-344.
D.M. Rohl, Pharaohs and Kings: A Biblical Quest (New York: Crown, 1995).
H. Shanks, “Strata,” Biblical Archaeology Review, 23/2 (1997), p. 8.
W.H. Shea, “Leaving Egypt,” Archaeology and Biblical Research, 3 (1990), pp. 99-111.
E. Stern, Material Culture of the Land of the Bible in the Persian Period 538-332 B.C. (Warminster: Aris & Phillips, 1982).
W.A. Ward, “Royal-Name Scarabs,” in Olga Tufnell, Studies on Scarab Seals, Volume 2 (Warminster: Aris & Phillips, 1984), pp. 151-192.
E. Wente and C. Van Siclen III, “A Chronology of the New Kingdom,” in Studies in Honor of George R. Hughes January 12, 1977, J.H. Johnson and E.F. Wente, editors, Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization, 39 (Chicago: The Oriental Institute, 1977), pp. 217-261.
B.G. Wood, “Recent Discoveries and Research on the Conquest,” Archaeology and Biblical Research, 4 (1991), pp. 104-110; “Mesha, King of Moab,” Bible and Spade, 9 (1996), pp. 55-64.
G.E. Wright, Shechem: The Biography of a Biblical City (London: Gerald Duckworth, 1965).
Author: Dr. Bryant G. Wood of Associates for Biblical Research. Adapted from the ABR article: “The Sons of Jacob: New Evidence for the Presence of the Israelites in Egypt”
So, finally they admitted the long time fraud publicly. Anne Frank’s diary was co-authored by her father and thus the credibility of the book finally comes to an end.The Basel, Switzerland, Anne Frank Fonds (Anne Frank Fund), which controls the copyright to the Diary of Anne Frank, has admitted that the book was in fact at least co-authored by Otto Frank, Anne’s father, after the war.The admission proves that the book, which is still heavily promoted as a “holocaust memoir”, is in fact largely a postwar fabrication which contained parts of the young Anne’s diary with extensive additions added by her father. This is obvious from even a cursory look at the actual diary. See, for example, the image below of two pages from the diary, which shows both Anne’s real youthful handwriting and her father’s obviously adult handwriting, although he signs his entries as “Anne Frank.”
Normal copyright on books extends only 70 years after the author’s death. As Anne Frank died of typhus in Bergen Belsen in February 1945, the book theoretically entered the public domain in February 2015. But, as the New York Times went on to say, the Anne Frank Fonds has now decided to try to extend copyright on the book past the 70 year cut-off period by admitting that Otto Frank, who died in 1980, was indeed a “co-author” after all.
Foundation officials “should think very carefully about the consequences“, said Agnès Tricoire, a lawyer in Paris who specializes in intellectual property rights in France, where critics have been the most vociferous and are organizing a challenge. “If you follow their arguments, it means that they have lied for years about the fact that it was only written by Anne Frank.”
People already knew that the dairy was written with a BIC ballpoint pen, which was only a prototype at that time and was in no way industrialized, let alone sold on the market. They were commercialized in 1951. This already permitted many people to determine the book to be a fraud as it was physically impossible, unless, Anne Frank had a way to travel through time, to the future and then return with a BIC ballpoint pen…
Otto Frank, the father of Anne Frank made millions out of the death of her daughter. This is a disgusting display of macabre money making, thus by doing so he shows no respect for her daughter or her memory, while non-Jews are supposed to cry out for the faked, fantasized story this man made us believe was true. I truly hope this new victory of truth will open the eyes of many about the true nature of Judaism. It is not moral, it is a barbaric ideology of supremacy, hatred and lies.
David James was a recent guest on the Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Show. They discussed David’s Message The Box, The Cube and the monolith……..
They also discussed Stanley Kubrick’s movies and the messages put forth within them. The three movies discussed were 2001, A Space Odyssey, 2010, The Year We Made Contact and The Shining, the latter being the one concentrated on the most.
If you saw these movies and didn’t understand them, you will have a better understanding after listening to both of these shows. The Box, The Cube and the Monolith is a video that shows examples that are pertinent to the subject matter.
The Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Show with David James:
Ladies and Gentlemen, I had to redo all the pics from this article. They were magically taken down. I even added more so we can see more proof.
Egypt White Proof, Black Spoof
Bust of Queen Nefertiti, 1370–1330 BC, wife of Pharaoh Akhenaten. Amazingly enough, some claim she was black.
February is officially “Black History Month” in America, Britain, and Canada, and it is now commonplace during this month to recycle stories about past “great black civilizations” and “black inventions”—except, as demonstrated below, these claims are all mythical.
The most widely heard claim of a great “past black civilization” is that of ancient Egypt, because of the existence of a number of black, or “Nubian,” pharaohs.
The facts of the matter are as follows: ancient Egypt was founded in 3300 BC, and the Nubians ruled only for a short period between 732 and 664 BC.
This was more than two thousand years after ancient Egypt had been founded—and, significantly, the black ascendancy to the throne marked the collapse of Egypt, not its foundation.
Although blacks and Semites were present in small numbers at the early stages of ancient Egypt’s history, they only featured as trading partners, slaves, or hired mercenaries.
Above, left: Yuya, an Egyptian nobleman from 1400 BC. He was the father of Tiy, the wife of Pharaoh Amenhotep III. Yuya’s blond hair has been well preserved by the embalming process. Alongside, his equally blonde-haired wife, Thuya, great grandmother of Tutankhamen. From The Children of Ra.
Above: A statue of Ramesses II, nineteenth dynasty (1292–1225 BC), and his mummy. From The Children of Ra.
Above: A bust of the female Pharaoh Hatshepsut, fifth pharaoh of the eighteenth dynasty (1509–1458 BC), and her mummy. From The Children of Ra.
Tomb of Seti I, Valley of the Kings, Egypt, 13th century BC. Painting in the tomb of the 19th Dynasty Ancient Egyptian pharaoh Seti I who ruled Egypt from c1290 until 1279 BC. He was the father of Rameses the Great. Seti’s tomb was discovered in 1817 by the Italian antiquities collector Giovanni Belzoni. Every chamber and passageway was richly decorated with bas reliefs or wall paintings. (Photo by Art Media/Print Collector/Getty Images)
Above: Artwork depicting Pharaoh Seti I, made during his lifetime at the Temple at Abydos, circa 1320 BC, and his mummy. From The Children of Ra.
Above: Close-ups of the sides of Tutankhamun’s “Hope Chest” showing Semitic and black enemies being defeated. From The Children of Ra.
Above: Nubians bringing tribute to the pharaohs, Tomb of Sobekhotep, twelfth dynasty, circa 1850 BC. From The Children of Ra.
Above: Egyptian slave market, with black slaves waiting to be sold. Bologna Museum. From The Children of Ra.
In addition, the white Egyptians left many written references to the black population in Nubia, and in their own country. The most complete record and translation of these scripts was undertaken by Professor James Henry Breasted, Professor of Egyptology and Oriental History in the University of Chicago in his worksHistory of Egypt, from the Earliest Times to the Persian Conquest, and his Ancient Records of Egypt series.
The ancient Egyptians invaded Nubia several times, and the final conquest of that land was attained by Sesostris III in 1840 BC. As translated by Breasted, the first Semneh stela inscription recounting the subjugation of Nubia by Sesostris III reads as follows:
“Southern boundary, made in the year 8, under the majesty of the king of Upper and Lower Egypt, Sesostris III . . . in order to prevent that any black should cross it, by water or by land, with a ship, or any herds of the blacks; except a black who shall come to do trading in Iken, or with a commission. Every good thing shall be done with them but without allowing a ship of the blacks to pass by Heh, going downstream, forever.”
Because the ancient Egyptians liberally used blacks and Semites as slaves, workers, and even low-level state functionaries, racial integration became widespread and the numbers of mixed-race individuals eventually became overwhelming.
By the time of the twenty-fourth dynasty, about 730 BC, Egypt’s population resembled that of today: a mixed-race mass made up of white, Semitic, and black extraction.
In 727 BC, the Nubian king Piye invaded Egypt and established the twenty-fifth dynasty. This era was the first genuinely black rule in Egypt, and although the twenty-fifth dynasty is counted as part of the historical line of rulers of Egypt, it had no links at all with the earliest kings—and founders—of that civilization.
This Nubian dynasty came to an abrupt end when Egypt was invaded by the Assyrians in 655 BC, only some 72 years later.
The Afrocentrist claim that the handful of black pharaohs from the twenty-fifth dynasty “proves” that ancient Egypt was African in origin is as false as claiming that the United States of America was founded by blacks because it had a half-black president in 2011—or that Detroit was founded by blacks because it has a majority black population in 2015.
In fact, as the historical record shows, the appearance of blacks as “pharaohs” marks the end of ancient Egypt, not its foundation.
It is not only in ancient history where these “black history” myths are propagated. Every February, the public is treated to a large number of claims about “black inventions” as well.
The most prominent of these claims are briefly discussed hereunder.
Myth 1: Filament for lightbulb.
The claim: Lewis Latimer invented the carbon filament in 1881 or 1882.
The truth: English chemist/physicist Joseph Swan experimented with a carbon-filament incandescent light in 1860, and by 1878 had developed a better design which he patented in Britain.
On the other side of the Atlantic, Thomas Edison developed a successful carbon-filament bulb, receiving a patent for it (#223898) in January 1880. From 1880 onward, countless patents were issued for innovations in filament design and manufacture (Edison had over 50 of them).
Neither of Latimer’s two filament-related patents in 1881 and 1882 were among them, nor did they make the lightbulb last longer, nor is there reason to believe they were adopted outside Hiram Maxim’s company where Latimer worked at the time.
Myth 2: The artificial heart pacemaker control unit.
The claim: Invented by Otis Boykin.
The Truth: Boykin did develop his own control unit for the artificial heart pacemaker, but this was not an innovation, merely an improvement upon the already existing pacemaker, which had first been developed in 1926, by Dr. Mark C. Lidwill of the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital of Sydney, Australia. Without the prior development of the pacemaker, Boykin’s improved control unit would never have come about.
Myth 3: The fireproof safe.
The claim: Invented by Henry Brown in 1886.
The truth: Strongboxes had been around since at least 1835, when English inventors Charles Chubb and Jeremiah Chubb took out a patent for a fireproof safe. Brown’s “invention” consisted of dividing the interior of a strongbox into compartments to hold documents.
Myth 4: The multiplex telegraph.
The claim: Invented by Granville T. Woods.
The truth: The earliest patents for train telegraphs go back to at least 1873. Lucius Phelps was the first inventor in the field to attract widespread notice, and the telegrams he exchanged on the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad in January 1885 were hailed in the Feb. 21, 1885 issue of Scientific American as “perhaps the first ever sent to and from a moving train.”
Myth 5: The modern home-video gaming console.
The claim: Invented by Gerald A, Lawson in 1976.
The truth: Gerald Lawson worked as director of engineering and marketing for Fairchild Semiconductor’s video game division, and oversaw the production of the Fairchild Channel F video game console, which was the main competitor to the Atari system. However, Lawson’s contribution was only possible by him using the 8-bit microprocessor Fairchild F8 Central Processing Unit (CPU), developed by white engineers at the Fairchild Company. Without disparaging Lawson’s design capabilities, it can be asserted that without the F8 CPU, the gaming unit would never have been created.
Myth 6: Laser cataract surgery.
The claim: Patricia Bath “transformed eye surgery” by inventing the first laser device to treat cataracts in 1988.
The truth: Use of lasers to treat cataracts in the eye began to develop in the mid-1970s. M.M. Krasnov of Russia reported the first such procedure in 1975. One of the earliest US patents for laser cataract removal (#3,982,541) was issued to Francis L’Esperance in 1976.
In later years, a number of experimenters worked independently on laser devices for removing cataracts, including Daniel Eichenbaum, whose work became the basis of the Paradigm Photon™ device; and Jack Dodick, whose Dodick Laser PhotoLysis System eventually became the first laser unit to win FDA approval for cataract removal in the United States.
Myth 7: 3-D graphics technology used in films.
The claim: Invented by Marc Hannah in 1982.
The truth: Although Hannah is a specialist in developing the computer hardware which filmmakers and others use to create 3-D graphics, the actual company for which he works, Silicon Graphics, Inc. (SGI), was founded in 1981 by Jim Clark, whose research work in computer graphics led to the development of systems for the fast rendering of three-dimensional computer images.
Myth 8: The gas mask.
The claim: Invented by Garrett Morgan in 1914.
The truth: The invention of the gas mask predates Morgan’s breathing device by several decades. Early versions were constructed by the Scottish chemist John Stenhouse in 1854 and the physicist John Tyndall in the 1870s, among many other inventors prior to World War I.
Myth 9: The traffic signal.
The claim: Invented by Garrett A. Morgan in 1923.
The truth: The first known traffic signal appeared in London in 1868 near the Houses of Parliament. Designed by J.P. Knight, it featured two semaphore arms and two gas lamps. The earliest electric traffic lights include Lester Wire’s two-color version set up in Salt Lake City circa 1912, James Hoge’s system (US patent #1,251,666) installed in Cleveland by the American Traffic Signal Company in 1914, and William Potts’ 4-way red-yellow-green lights introduced in Detroit beginning in 1920. New York City traffic towers began flashing three-color signals also in 1920.
Garrett Morgan’s cross-shaped, crank-operated semaphore was not among the first half-hundred patented traffic signals, nor was it “automatic” as is sometimes claimed, nor did it play any part in the evolution of the modern traffic light.
Myth 10: Peanut butter.
The claim: Invented by George Washington Carver in 1903.
The truth: Peanuts, which are native to the New World tropics, were mashed into paste by Aztecs hundreds of years ago. Evidence of modern peanut butter comes from US patent #306727 issued to Marcellus Gilmore Edson of Montreal, Quebec in 1884, for a process of milling roasted peanuts between heated surfaces until the peanuts reached “a fluid or semi-fluid state.” As the product cooled, it set into what Edson described as “a consistency like that of butter, lard, or ointment.”
In 1890, George A. Bayle Jr., owner of a food business in St. Louis, manufactured peanut butter and sold it out of barrels. J.H. Kellogg, of cereal fame, secured US patent #580787 in 1897 for his “Process of Preparing Nutmeal,” which produced a “pasty adhesive substance” that Kellogg called “nut-butter.”
Myth 11: The blood bank.
The claim: Created by Dr. Charles Drew in 1940.
The truth: During World War I, Dr. Oswald H. Robertson of the US army preserved blood in a citrate-glucose solution and stored it in cooled containers for later transfusion. This was the first use of “banked” blood.
By the mid-1930s the Russians had set up a national network of facilities for the collection, typing, and storage of blood. Bernard Fantus, influenced by the Russian program, established the first hospital blood bank in the United States at Chicago’s Cook County Hospital in 1937. It was Fantus who coined the term “blood bank.”
Myth 12: Washington DC city plan.
The claim: The city was designed and laid out by Benjamin Banneker.
The truth: Pierre-Charles L’Enfant created the layout of Washington DC. Banneker assisted Andrew Ellicott in the survey of the federal territory, but played no direct role in the actual planning of the city.
Myth 13: The air brake/automatic air brake. The claim: Invented by Granville Woods in 1904.
The truth: In 1869, a 22-year-old George Westinghouse received US patent #88929 for a brake device operated by compressed air, and in the same year organized the Westinghouse Air Brake Company.
Myth 14: The air conditioner. The claim: Invented by Frederick Jones in 1949.
The truth: Dr. Willis Carrier built the first machine to control both the temperature and humidity of indoor air. He received the first of many patents in 1906 (US patent #808897, for the “Apparatus for Treating Air”). In 1911 he published the formulae that became the scientific basis for air conditioning design, and four years later formed the Carrier Engineering Corporation to develop and manufacture AC systems.
There are many more such examples, but the topic would become tedious.
To believe that a people who, only 170 years ago, did not have the wheel, could produce ancient civilizations and invent modern machinery, beggars belief.
Didn’t write this article, just posted it for your info.
This German School book is justified by the following statements: Jewish leader, Louis Marshall, subtly confessed that the schemes of Zionism were a long-term plan for Jewish power-grabbing, stating: “Zionism is but an incident of a far-reaching plan: it is merely a convenient peg on which to hang a powerful weapon.” This Jewish World Plot is not a new phenomena by any means, and most likely originated with the advent of Judaism itself over 3000 years ago. A shocking clue to its existence was left behind in 1492 by the Grand Sanhedrin which resided in Constantinople,“In 1492, Chemor, chief Rabbi of Spain, wrote to the Grand Sanhedrin, which had its seat in Constantinople, for advice, when a Spanish law threatened expulsion. This was the reply:
Beloved brethren in Moses, we have received your letter in which you tell us of the anxieties and misfortunes which you are enduring. We are pierced by as great pain to hear it as yourselves.
The advice of the Grand Satraps and Rabbis is the following:
1. As for what you say that the King of Spain 3 obliges you to become Christians: do it, since you cannot do otherwise.
2. As for what you say about the command to despoil you of your property: make your sons merchants that they may despoil, little by little, the Christians of theirs.
3. As for what you say about making attempts on your lives: make your sons doctors and apothecaries, that they may take away Christians’ lives.
4. As for what you say of their destroying your synagogues: make your sons canons and clerics in order that they may destroy their churches.
5. As for the many other vexations you complain of: arrange that your sons become advocates and lawyers, and see that they always mix in affairs of State, that by putting Christians under your yoke you may dominate the world and be avenged on them.
6. Do not swerve from this order that we give you, because you will find by experience that, humiliated as you are, you will reach the actuality of power.
(Signed) PRINCE OF THE JEWS OF CONSTANTINOPLE.” (L. Fry, Waters Flowing Eastward: The War Against the Kingship of Christ. TBR Books, Washington, D. C., (2000), pp. 51-52; also see these facsimiles of this letter, one & two)
The Jews hide behind a bogus veneer of victimhood in order to deceive naive Gentiles about their sinister agenda and carnivorous quest for World Governance. This guilt and sympathy peddling charade is laughably transparent. Zionist kingpin, Rabbi Stephen S. Wise (1874-1949) — the co-founder of the World Jewish Congress and other subversive groups — frantically howled that the whole of Christendom owes the Jews a homeland in Palestine for perceived wrongs done to the Jews. Wise annoyingly squawked: “The rebuilding of Zion will be the reparation of all Christendom for all the wrongs
Ladies and Gentlemen, the proof of the pudding is in the tasting. Therefore, taste the German schoolbook and see that it’s totally justified and sound teaching.
Background: This is the first of three anti-Jewish children’s books published by Julius Streicher’s Stürmer Publishing House. They are among the nastier productions of the Third Reich. Around 100,000 copies were printed, and the book was used in many schools. The author, Elvira Bauer, was an 18-year-old art student. The title comes from a phrase by Martin Luther, whose anti-Jewish remarks the Nazis were happy to use.
For more information on the Stürmer and its editor, see my book on Julius Streicher. For more information on Nazi material aimed at children, see an interesting article by Mary Mills titled “Propaganda and Children during the Hitler Years.” I’m using an anonymous translation from the University of South Florida library, to which I’ve made some corrections.
The source: Elvira Bauer, Trau keinem Fuchs auf grüner Heid und keinem Jud auf seinem Eid (Nuremberg: Stürmer Verlag, 1936).
Ladies and Gentlemen it gives me great pleasure to reveal this information to all of you. It will provide justice for Germany. This is a document that shows the true hearts of the German People. I am in awe and very glad to see proof of the lies of the Jews.
This is an SS document that has been translated to reveal the truth. Praise be to Yahweh!
The Laws Of The SS Order
Duties of the SS-man regarding marriage and engagement
31st December 1931
1. The SS is a selected formation of German Nordic men.
2. According to the National-Socialist worldview and understanding, that the future of our nation lies in the selection and preservation of the good and healthy blood, I am introducing from 1st January 1932 on, for all not married SS members the “Marriage approval”.
3. The goal we are striving for is a genetically valuable, healthy family of a Nordic German type.
4. The Marriage approval will be given or withdrawn only on the grounds of race and genetic health.
5. Every SS-man who wants to marry, has to receive the approval of the Reichsführer- SS.
6. SS-members who will marry despite the disapproval of the marriage will have to leave of their own accord or face expulsion from the SS.
7. The professional review of the marriage applications is done by the Racial department of the SS.
8. The Racial department of the SS keeps a “Family book of the SS” containing a register of the families of SS members, which are entered either after marriage approval, or special application for entry in the book.
9. The Reichsführer- SS, the leader and officers of the Racial department are sworn to confidentiality.
10. The SS knows that with this order it has made an important step. Mockery, contempt and misunderstanding will not touch us – the future belongs to us!
The SS law of honour
9th November 1935
1) Every SS-man has the right and the duty to defend his honour with a weapon.
a) An SS-man is every member who was an SS leader (at least Untersturmführer) by 9th November 1935 and also every member who was by 30th January 1936 in the SS for three years already.
b) In the future an SS member will be every SS applicant, who will be fully accepted into SS by giving him an SS dagger on 9th November – after serving his service as an SS applicant, after giving an oath to the Führer, after honourable service in his work and military service.
c) For SS men who at the time of their admission to the SS in years 1933, 1934 and 1935 were at least 23 years old, do not have to fulfil letter b). All the others new SS men who were not 23 years old yet can only become full members after giving their military service.
3) With validity from 9th November 1935 the SA honour law is declared to be invalid for the SS†.
4) From 9th November 1935 the court and honour regulations are valid for the SS.
Establishment of the association “Lebensborn”
13th September 1936
With the letter from 13th December 1934 I have already reminded all SS leaders of the fact that our struggle would be meaningless if we do not add to the political victory the victory of births of good blood.
The question of having many children is not a private business of individuals but a duty to his ancestors and our nation.
The SS has already made the first step by the marriage and engagement order from December 1931. But to make good marriages is useless when from these numerous offspring will not result.
I expect the SS and especially the SS leadership to be an example in this.
The minimal number of children in a good and healthy marriage is at least 4 children. If because of tragic conditions of destiny it is impossible to bring one’s own children to the marriage, every SS leader should adopt racially and genetically healthy children and bring them up in the spirit of National-Socialism and give them appropriate education according to their abilities.
For the choice and selection of appropriate children for the SS leadership there is the association “Lebensborn”. This association is under my personal command and is integrated into the SS Race and Settlement Main Office. Its main task is:
1) To support racially valuable and biologically healthy families with numerous children.
2) To accommodate and take care of racially and biologically healthy future mothers, for which after detailed examination of her family and the family of the father through the SS Race and Settlement Main Office we can assume that the coming children will be just as valuable.
3) To take care of these children
4) To take care of the mothers of these children
For all SS leaders it is a duty to become a member of the “Lebensborn” association. The entry declaration Nr. I shall be delivered by 23rd September 1936.
The sum of the member fee of full-time SS leaders from Hauptsturmführer and higher are listed in the attached chart. Full-time working SS Unter- and Obersturmführer of any age pay a minimum sum of 1 Reichsmark.
From the non-full-time SS leaders and other SS men I expect that, if possible, they would become members of “Lebensborn” with a contribution appropriate to their income and thus carry the work with us and practically realize the thought of the family community of SS on this field. The unit leaders should disseminate message in an appropriate way to their subordinated SS leaders and SS men. The unit leaders are responsible for the recruiting of members for “Lebensborn”. The non-full-time leaders and members of SS shall fill in the entry declaration Nr. II and send it to the “Lebensborn” association by the 1st October 1936.
I will personally be interested to find out about the success of my inquiry.
May every SS leader remember that in the Kampfzeit only the personal and materials sacrifices brought us forward and that the further development of Germany for coming centuries and millenniums will be impossible if not all of us will be ready to do our obvious duty.
Elementary law about the holiness of property
9th November 1936
1. To our ancestors the property of the others was holy and untouchable. For example, a bundle of hay was a clear sign to not permit the trespassing over someone’s field.
2. During our unfortunate German history and especially in the after-war years and inflation period the notion of property and strict laws about fairness, non-corruption, sincerity and holiness of entrusted property have blurred.
3. Theft, tricks, fraud and waste of entrusted public means are still everyday reality in Germany. The laws sadly punish such crimes only in a limited way. Significant parts of the German nation and also many members of the SS take the crimes against written and non-written laws about property too easy.
4. In my opinion we shall return to these views of our ancestors in the SS and not only handle so that we would not break any present law but also would not break any of those firm not-written laws of our nation. I feel it is a shame for us Germans and especially for SS-men when in other countries as for example Scandinavia or Japan everyone can leave his property freely in a public place because he knows that no one from his nation would steal it. We would want to introduce this knowledge, decency and habits into our ranks of the SS and live them as an example.
5. I therefore order that from 1st December 1936 on in all accommodation buildings of SS troops the locks on lockets would be removed. Service and secret directives which regulate the manipulation of things which we got from our enemies should still remain valid when it is appropriate according to special orders of the SS main leadership.
6. These especially important basic questions called to attention in this law should be often a subject of education and friendly reminding. After a short time it must be a self-evident thing for every SS member that he would not take anything from his comrade, from something so unimportant as a cigarette to precious valuables.
7. Also I expect from all the SS members that they would deal with the service money and service objects with great but not too exaggerated preciseness and in all cases when there is no regulation they should decide in accordance with their conscience.
8. In the future I will handle all offences against the property and honour with the strictest punishments.
From the spirit of our organization I expect that very soon no punishments of such kind will be necessary as men who go against the holiness of property will not be in the † in the future anymore.
Elementary law about obligatory saving
9th November 1937
1. The chaos of past centuries has not only blurred the notion of property in the German nation but also has made the notion of getting in debts an honourable and everyday thing.
2. Within the staff of the Reichsführer-SS there was created an institution “Economic help” which has the task to help those SS-men who in the past and in the Kampfzeit mostly without moral fault got into deep financial problems through unemployment and collapse of the economy and make them able to balance out their obligations in the foreseeable future.
3. But for the future I see it as unsubstantial and impossible that a person would buy more than he can pay for. I think that buying through instalments for 12 months a person should rather save money for those 12 months and then pay for the desired object in cash.
4. So that we could help the SS-man who despite all economic handling has it hard to materially survive, it is necessary that all SS men would help. Through our own forces we would want to create an account from which it would be possible after one year already to borrow money to an SS-man in need which he would then pay back in a foreseeable time without being economically confined by it.
5. Therefore I order that every SS-man would give 1 Mark from his salary to the saving account of the SS. The same applies for all full-time SS leaders and SS men. SS applicants, who have as recruits in the action group and Totenkopf-units in the first year a lower salary, pay a lower contribution.
6. From all non-full-time SS leaders and men of the General SS I expect that they will go as an example too and pay the contributions in full and voluntarily and therefore would help to achieve the goal.
7. The goal is that the SS would be made economically strong from its own means to such an extent, that it could support and strengthen in friendly spirit the individual SS men and their families through loans and other economic help when needed.
8. I give the task of obligatory saving to the maintenance chef of the SS.
Elementary law about the care of the widows and orphans
9th November 1937
9. The SS as a sworn community of SS families has the holy task to stick to the wives and children of dead comrades.
10. I therefore, order that the commanders i.e. leaders of storm units, units, sections and upper sections would undertake the care of the widows and orphans of SS comrades.
11. This task is not sufficient to be fulfilled only through financial support. In my opinion even more important than that is the manly protection and help in an appropriate way to a family which has lost its father and now has to face the life struggle without a man.
Just as holy is the duty that we would take care of the raising and educating the valuable children of these SS families and feel responsibility for it.
12. The commanders have to put this task into practice as this personal goal cannot be undertaken over by anyone else.
For the maintenance part of this task the commanders of SS care institutions of a unit stand ready.
The Reichsführer-SS
signed: Himmler
As we take a third look at the animal farm, we see the great green pastures full of grass and the dew that lies upon each of its blades. There we see the sheep in the field feeding. There is a dog or two that control the movements of the herd. There are also those among the sheep that help to police not only themselves, but other sheep. The sheep learn to individually police themselves as well. They, like the pigs, and dogs, are in a prison which is lodged within their own minds. The sheep have even allowed themselves to be tagged. In the corporations of the (((PIGS))) they are known as human resources. The grass is not Yahweh’s pure grass, it has been genetically modified by a (((PIG))) run company called Monsanto. The (((PIGS))) have ensured that the sheep will not remain healthy, at least not for long. The water they drink used to come from pure streams that Yahweh provided. In the guise of protecting the sheep, pigs, and dogs, the (((PIGS))) have put dangerous materials into the water troughs. This is designed to slowly poison the sheep, pigs, and dogs. It is also to make them docile, weak, and unaware. The sheep were much smarter in generations past, but now they have been dumbed-down. They are comfortably numb. The feed bins have genetically modified feed that has additives which cause the sheep to become obese and prone to many diseases. They have become fat, dumb, and happy for the moment in which they live. Their strength has been diminished so they will not be able to resist, at least not for long. The blue sky above is laden with chemtrails designed to introduce heavy metals, cancer, and to change the nature of the soil. The sheep are not aware of any of these things. They just keep eating the grass and drinking the so-called water. They breath in the chemtrails and are not even aware that the lines are in the sky. Why, you ask? They are gazing into their smart tvs, computers, ipads, and smartphones that the (((PIGS))) have sold them to monitor their every thought or so they’ve been told.
The (((PIGS))) have all day and night to think of new ways to kill, steal, and destroy the animals. The (((PIGS))) use their controlled media to preach sermons of devils to the animals. They never get to hear the truth of Yahweh or His shepherds, because the (((PIGS))) control the media. The fake shepherds that the (((PIGS))) employ, teach the animals perverse doctrines that will ensure their destruction when the judgement day arrives. As I have said before, the (((PIGS))) know that they have no chance in the scope of eternity, so they are doing as much as they can to put the animals in the same condition. The (((PIGS))) encourage hybrids, race mixing of animals, and experimental science that brings forth horrible corruptions of Yahweh’s creations. They encourage the male animals to have sex with other male animals, female animals in the same fashion. They even encourage mix breeding. All of these acts are forbidden by Yahweh. When the animals play along in the game, they are the ones that will receive the judgements for these heinous acts. The (((PIGS))) know this and are well pleased. They love to congratulate each other with awards and stories in their media. The problem is that the war declared by Yahweh in the garden is almost only being waged by the (((PIGS))). The animals are unaware that a war exists against them and has been in operation since before they were born. Here we see in the book of Genesis the declaration of war between the two seed lines (OFFSPRING):
14 And the Yahweh said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:
15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
The Hebrew word for seed is Zera and it means Offspring. This means the serpent has literal offspring and of course, the woman Eve of the Race of Adam has offspring. This is the war that has continued unto this present day and will continue until the serpent seed line is destroyed by Yahweh. This seed line is known as נָחָשׁ Nachash, Esau-Edom, and modern Jewry. The (((PIGS))).
Here we see how the animals are mixed and destroyed by hybridization.
The true shepherds of Yahweh and even Yahweh Himself call out to the sheep. They give stark warnings that are not heeded by the sheep. The sheep may raise their heads for a moment, but they just go back to eating their genetically modified grass. The animals would rather obey the (((PIGS))) for they are afraid of the names the (((PIGS))) call them. Also, the (((PIGS))) run the farm because of trickery and usury. The (((PIGS))) took away the farms and gave the animals jobs so that they would rely on the (((PIGS))) for their food and their livelihood. The animals must toe the line and go down well-trodden corridors if they are to keep their jobs and sustain themselves. The free speech that they once enjoyed has been diminished by the (((PIGS))). The (((PIGS))) can’t allow any dissent against themselves, and since they control the livelihood of the animals, the animals fear the (((PIGS))) and their media. The sheep fear the dogs and pigs as well.
The (((PIGS))) have been shaping the minds of the animals with their media and now the farm is almost unrecognizable. The (((PIGS))) caused the revolution on the farm which brought this all about. Remember, four-legged good and two-legged bad? It would have been much better for the animals if they had never listened to the (((PIGS))). It would have been easier if they just obeyed Yahweh. Now they will suffer the consequences of their actions and pay a heavier price than they have already paid to the (((PIGS))). There is a way that seems right to the sheep and this way leads to death. The sheep are lost and have no idea who they are. The sheep perish and have been perishing a very long time for the lack of knowledge. The sheep have no direction and have become wanderers. The sheep actually believe they know the truth though they don’t. They will defend the lies that they have been taught with tooth and nail. The sheep have closed the door to Yahweh and will be surprised when He declares that He never knew them. I could go on and on but I think you get the message.
Yes, this story is a sad one. I know the ending though, and it will turn out good for the few and bad for many. The farm, the feed, the water, the air, the perceptions, history, goodness, common sense, righteousness and so many more lost or stolen precepts will be restored to the race of Adam. Those who remain faithful to Yahweh shall not be disappointed I assure you. The earth shall be renewed and the poisons that the (((PIGS))) have used to damage everything shall be eradicated along with the (((PIGS))). Woe unto the sheep, dogs, and pigs that continue to obey the (((PIGS))) in our time. You will be very sorry and you will be destroyed along with the (((PIGS))). Some of you that continue to believe you will rule with the (((PIGS))) shall be destroyed by them.
May you all awaken before it’s too late. You have no idea how horrible it will be for you if you end up with the (((PIGS))).
Ladies and Gentlemen, I suggest you read this portion of an article found in this hemisphere. This is absolute proof that will help you to understand the Fables of the Jews. In 1 Timothy 14-16, Paul, speaking of the Jews says:
14 Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.
15 Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled.
16 They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.
Read on…
(((According to Arutz Sheva, the study was published in the PLoS One scientific journal in March, and analyzed the genomes of 18 members of the Bene Israel community. A tradition among the Bene Israel posits their descent from Jewish survivors of a shipwreck on the Indian Coast at least 2,000 years ago.
“Beyond vague oral history and speculations, there has been no independent support for Bene Israel claims of Jewish ancestry, claims that have remained shrouded in legend,” Yedael Waldman, the first author of the study, was quoted as saying in a May 10 news release by Arutz Sheva. The study was compiled using data from te Jewish HapMap project at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. The project is designed to study the genetic history of Jewish communities in the Diaspora. Cornell University participated as well.
According to Waldman, although the Bene Israel individuals genetically resemble local populations in India, “They constitute a clearly separated and unique population” in the country.
Only a few thousand Bene Israel members remain in India today, inhabiting the Konkan region on India’s west coast. At its height, the Bene Israel population was as high as 20,000, though its numbers have dwindled after many members emigrated to Israel since 1948.
According to the official website of Beit Hatfutsot, the Museum of the Jewish People, the Bene Israel are “probably the only Jewish community in the world today which did not experience anti-Semitism.” In 1964. the Israeli Rabbinate acknowledged the Bene Israel as “full Jews in every respect.”)))
You see how they love to use the bogus term anti-semetism? This is a term used by the Jews to demonize anybody who opposes them or even says the word Jew. The problem is that they are not semetic people. They are not white or from Ishmael, Abraham’s first son. We, Israelites, the white descendants of Shem,(semitic) are the true Semites as well as any pure blooded Ishmaelites. The term Anti-Semitism actually means: Anti-White. It’s a joke on you White man. Wake Up! The only way the Jews can claim to be semetic is by race mixing with either pure white Israelites or pure Ishamaelites. This further proves that they are a race mixed mongrel people who have to mix in order for their race to survive…Why, you ask?
Here’s an excerpt from “The Mystery Of The Serpent” that proves, without a doubt, what I am saying;
“Mongrelization with man is essential so Jewry can renew the depleted life force. Extensive mongrelization can change the outward appearance so much that the Jewish characteristics are difficult, if not impossible, to perceive. When that occurs and Satan is about to transform himself into a human automatically possessing the Life Force of God, Divine Law intervenes and the next generation reverts back with all the physical characteristics known as Jewish and that line of Satan is entirely sterile.
The vampire condition is in three categories and they are spiritual and material. The first phase is as above. Secondly, the instinctive craving to murder man spiritually. It is accomplished by subtil suggestions which causes man to think erroneously which generates a destructive electro-cosmic field of oscillatory disequilibrium in his brain cavity which thrusts him out of conscious contact with God and spiritually-kills him. That field can be measured with electronic instruments, and scientists know it is directly the presence of that field which makes man’s body deteoriate and eventually die of old age. Jewry is greedy to shed man’s blood in murder and wars (John 8:44; Matt. 23 :35).
The third phase of the vampire condition is the stealthy approachunto man on his Snake belly of sham worship of God and being the chosen people of God. Drawing near an intended victim amidst the darkness of misrepresented brotherhood, liberalism, equality and fraternity he hypnotizes the victim with a flickering spiritually-black forked tongue of exaggerated friendliness and humane feeling, and by time he is in striking distance the victim is mentally-paralized in respect to Jew chicanery. Then, without any resistance the Serpent swallows the victim by first marrying into his family then absorbsit in mongrelization in efforts to steal the Life Force put in it by God.
Racial characteristics of man are ignored by the Serpent race. All it is interested in is stealing the Life Force put in man by God. While doing it he ;·teals every important thing man creates. The prophet Ezekial calls t1·at characteristic a cormorant because there is no Hebraic for a vampire bJt. While preying on man, that vampire race utterly corrupts him, yet pretends to assist elevate him to the zenith of spiritual attainment. II Peter 2:11, 12 throws light on the condition when he says: “Whereas angels, which are greater in power and might, bring not railing accusations against them before the Lord. But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption”.
The original Greek for that word “natural” is phusikos. It means things born in one. Brute is alogos, or without life. Beast is zoon, a living creature. Made is gennao, or conceive, bring forth in childbirth. – Take is halosin, or with a view to capture. Destroyed is eis phthoran, or corrupt. Perish is kataphtheiro, or to corrupt utterly.
Thus, the original declaration of St. Peter is: These, living-dead things are conceived and brought forth in child birth with the view born in them to capture man and corrupt him utterly. Peter and Jude graphically show they are speaking about none other than Jewry. They are speaking about the same conditions. Jude 9 shows the angel is Michael and the Brute Beast is the Devil, who, according to the personal family record of Jewry’s current god, Prince Abdul Baraba Baha, was the Serpent Prince Nahar.
The first record of that counterfeit race is in the third chapter of Genesis. The word “serpent” in that chapter is nachash, in the original Hebraic. There are three ways of composing the word “nachash”. The root is composed with three characters, the first of which is shaped similar to a round-bottomed W with a dot above the right hand arm. The second is similar to the pi ratio sign. The third to a very poor figure three. Written thus, it means, Divine, learn by experience, observe diligently, use enchantment, an enchanter. When the word contains a dash, or bar, under the second and third character..s it means, occult science, witch-craft, black magic. When a dot is included under the bars the word means, the Serpent race fathered by the original material Satan, and the race is the racial body of Satan in similar manner as the Anglo-Saxon-Celtic, Scandinavian and Nordic people are the racial body of Israel. The Serpent in Gen. 3 is written with the bars and dots under the two last characters to prove he is Satan’s cursed Serpent race of Jews; and the word “Jew” is Yehudim, in the Hebraic, Aramaic and Greek which means the race cursed by God.”
This is more proof that Jews are mixed mongrels, not a pure race as they pretend. They are not the tribe of Judah as they wish they could be, they are imposters, and the whole world is waking up to the fables that they have told for so long. Yahweh will take care of these liars in the very near future. They are running out of time and running out of countries.