As I wake up and embark on the day’s journey, I am always aware of time. Time is a measure in this world and as many of us know, there are not enough hours in the day to accomplish all the tasks one has to do. Sometimes I just sit and think as I sort out all the knowledge that I have acquired. The world tells you knowledge is power and many that espouse this use the knowledge for all the wrong things. Knowledge is very useful if it is applied correctly and for the right reasons. I call this application of knowledge Wisdom. The Scriptures tell us that Wisdom is more precious than rubies and though you may not think so, it will be proven to be true.
King Solomon asked the Father Yahweh for wisdom and knowledge and he got a portion that no other man had ever received. It enabled him to make righteous judgements and he could give counsel like no other. I have asked the Father for wisdom and knowledge since I was a young man for I believed the Scriptures and I loved the Proverbs because they made sense and provoked thought. I knew that people died from the lack of knowledge and the Scriptures told me He that hates me loves death meaning: he that hates wisdom loves death. Wisdom is the key to long life, happiness, joy, good judgement, stability and so much more. Wisdom can be spent over and over again through your life whereas money can be spent once. Now you can see why wisdom is more precious than rubies.
The Scriptures tell us: The Beginning of wisdom is the fear of Yahweh. This is not fear like the Jews use against us, it is a healthy fear or respect that one would have for a dad, authority or such. It’s a fear that would govern you and keep your feet from evil. This is why the Father put His laws into our hearts. It works like a compass or guide to keep you on the straight and narrow path.
From Proverbs 1:8
My son, hear the instruction of thy father, and forsake not the law of thy mother:
9 For they shall be an ornament of grace unto thy head, and chains about thy neck.
10 My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not.
11 If they say, Come with us, let us lay wait for blood, let us lurk privily for the innocent without cause:
12 Let us swallow them up alive as the grave; and whole, as those that go down into the pit:
13 We shall find all precious substance, we shall fill our houses with spoil:
14 Cast in thy lot among us; let us all have one purse:
15 My son, walk not thou in the way with them; refrain thy foot from their path:
16 For their feet run to evil, and make haste to shed blood.
17 Surely in vain the net is spread in the sight of any bird.
18 And they lay wait for their own blood; they lurk privily for their own lives.
19 So are the ways of every one that is greedy of gain; which taketh away the life of the owners thereof.
As you can clearly see, this was a good example of what I was referring to above. The verse just before that states: The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction. The world teaches you to hate wisdom and instruction for the Jews want rebellious characters all around us to create chaos. They first begin to corrupt every aspect of our world whether it be physical or spiritual. Today hybrid people are ubiquitous and because their bodies and minds are corrupted from race mixing, they soon begin to be in chaos within themselves which then manifests in violence. This eventually lead to judgement. The Jews have corrupted everything and now the world is in chaos. Had we kept them in the streets on lock down, we would not have had the violent history we have had. Since Napoleon let them out of their ghettos to become equal citizens in France, there has been nothing but destruction, corruption, evil doings, chaos and the heavy loss of life for the Race of Adam.
To acquire knowledge and wisdom from the Father, one must work at it every day. One must seek for it constantly. If you were to seek gold, you would have to buy tools, a donkey or two and you’d have to go to the place where it was to be found. Then you would have to dig and sift and it would require a great deal of time and effort. The same is true about wisdom and knowledge. It must be sought and sifted. It must be tested and tasted to truly get the most from it. I call these truths nuggets of gold and they are carefully kept in my mind and shared with others so that they will be preserved and used in all of our lives. We can spend this wisdom over and over again as I have said before whereas the gold nugget can only be spent once. I hope you glean as much as you can from what I have just told you.
I have produced a series of teachings on the book of Proverbs called Wisdom’s Child and have done many more teachings on them as well.
Hear and seek to know for it will produce good fruits in your life:
I’d like to finish up by saying that Solomon ended up wasting his precious gifts and it became the destruction of him. The problem with common sense is that it is not that common and evidently Solomon’s common sense was drowned out by his senses…taste, touch etc.
May Yahweh richly bless you with wisdom and knowledge and the ability to use them righteously
Ladies and Gentlemen, I have to post this article that I just read today for the first time. It espouses and gives testimony to my teachings. I hope you take the time to really understand what is being said here. I have taught these things many times and in many different ways. It is wonderful to know that people are waking up to the fables and wiles of the jews. I will not capitalize the word jew. And so dear reader…read on…
The Blasphemy of Judeo-Christianity and the Heresy of the Holocaust
By Ehud Would, June 16th, 2016
I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed. (Galatians 1:6-9)
The consensus amongst Reformed commentators, as well as the church fathers, regarding Paul’s rebuke of the Galatians is that the Apostle was warding an ethnos young in the faith away from the the teachings of Judaizers: principally, Jewish converts corrupting the doctrine of Gentile churches by Talmudic interpretive lenses, and thereby subtly introducing ‘other gospels.’ Thus, Paul’s stern admonishment of the Galatians is the same which he imparted to Titus for dealing with the Judaizers and the “Jewish fables” with which they subverted the Cretian church:
For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision: Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre’s sake. One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, the Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies. This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith; Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth. (Titus 1:10-14)
This same Judaizer issue would plague Christendom throughout history in the phenomenon involving marranos, conversos, anusim, cristianos nuevos (“New Christians”), or crypto-Jews. Most sources – including the mainstream Jewish ones – acknowledge that these converted Jews never truly embraced Christianity, but tended to maintain their practice of Judaism in secret. The popular consensus amongst Jewish thinkers on this is seen in Moshe Maimon’s 1892 painting, “Marranos: Secret Seder.” While in many cases occupying positions of power with respect to church, state, and commerce, the crypto-Jews have yet maintained distinct, insular, and clandestine communities all their own even up to the present – a fact actually celebrated in the Jewish community. But if the Jews proved persistently unassimilable to the Christian faith even after generations of professing it, Christians were conversely persistent in giving them the benefit of the doubt, speaking of them out of charity as “New Christians.” The modern corollary of which might be something like “baby Christians” or “carnal Christians.” Yet always upon conversion, the cryptos tended to seize levers of power in the churches and, from there, reinterpret the faith through Judaized lenses. But even the term “New Christians” became a double entendre as their interpretation produced a “new Christianity.” While some maliciously lied in their professions of the Christian creed, keeping with the Talmud by holding Christ in contempt, others believed in a halfway sort of Christianity – that Christianity was only rightly understood through a Judaic perspective. Still others seemed to hold Christianity and Judaism as coequals in dualistic tension. But even in the breadth of these perspectives, none of these said positions are benign. Even the least aggressive version of ‘converso Christianity’ is at odds with orthodoxy, and, therefore, heretical. Thus the “New Christians” found themselves ever at odds with the “Old Christians,” i.e., the Gentiles who comprised the mega-majority of Christian orthodoxy. This unassimilability (false profession of faith) counterpoised with Jews’ native ambition is evident even in Christendom’s attempts to ferret out crypto-Jews – the Spanish Inquisition – wherein the inquisitors themselves were found by King Philip II of Spain to have had so many marranos in their number that he termed them “a synagogue of Hebrews,” according to Jewish intellectual Marc Shapiro. Indeed, according to Dr. Robert Maryks of Boston College, the Jesuit order (Society of Jesus) was financed by Spanish and Dutch Jews as it was founded by “a deep and sincere spiritual Semite,” Ignatius of Loyola. Even the infamous Grand Inquisitor Tomás de Torquemada was a descendant of conversos, a likely suspect to at least sympathize with conversos. Cryptos guarding the Church against Cryptos – does this not smack of the fox guarding the henhouse?
It goes without saying that throughout the Enlightenment and Revolutionary eras, Jewish thinkers bore not only a tremendously disproportionate influence by their numbers, but the foremost adversarial role against the Christian worldview as well. This is so across the spectrum of intellectual and social endeavor, be it in philosophy, finance, politics, or sociology, especially from the eighteenth through twenty-first centuries.
But in the wake of the Second World War and its decimation of Christendom, we’ve seen the inner wall collapse as the churches are now permeated by the Galatianism known as “Judeo-Christianity.” This has become nothing less than the defining feature of lumpen evangelicalism. Though it would have seemed impossible less than thirty years ago, it has all but entirely subverted the Reformed churches as well now. The major demarcation in time being WWII, the conceptual fulcrum which transformed the Christian worldview into the ‘Judeo-Christian ethic’ was the purported Judeocide otherwise ubiquitously referred to as ‘the Holocaust’. I will return to that momentarily.
Though the term ‘Judeo-Christian’ itself appeared as early as the 1700s, at the time it only denoted Jewish converts to Christianity (crypto-Jews), whereas in the 1800s the ‘Judeo-Christian ethic’ was referenced by Jews and liberal Protestants (Unitarians, mostly) as forging a religious pluralism over against orthodox Christianity. But it remained a far-left and fringe concept until after the 1907 publication of the Scofield Reference Bible. Rev. Ted Pike outlines the ascent of C.I. Scofield from drifter, conman, and philanderer to the father of dispensational theology:
[Scofield] settled in at the Lotus Club, which he listed as his residence for the next twenty years. It was here that he presented his ideas for a new Christian Bible concordance, and was taken under the wing of Samuel Untermeyer, who later became chairman of the American Jewish Committee, president of the American League of Jewish Patriots, and chairman of the Non-sectarian Anti-Nazi League.
Untermeyer introduced Scofield to numerous Zionist and socialist leaders, including Samuel Gompers, Fiorello LaGuardia, Abraham Straus, Bernard Baruch and Jacob Schiff. These were the people who financed Scofield’s research trips to Oxford and arranged the publication and distribution of his concordance.
It is impossible to overstate the influence of Cyrus Scofield on twentieth-century Christian beliefs. The Scofield Bible is the standard reference work in virtually all Christian ministries and divinity schools. It is singularly responsible for the Christian mistaken belief that the Hebrew Prophecies describe the kingdom of Jesus’ Second Coming, and not in fact the Zionist vision of a man-made New World Order.
And it is precisely because Christians persist in this belief that they remain blind to the reality of Zion. Scofield served as the agent by which the Zionists paralyzed Christianity, while they prepared America for our final conquest.
Though Scofield did not press the term himself, his new Judeocentric theological paradigm certainly provided the undergirding framework which would begin permeating the Protestant mainstream in the late 1930s. It was at the 1939-1940 New York World’s Fair’s “Temple of Religion” which posited the “Judeo-Christian tradition” as descriptive of the new American pluralism. At the time, however, Christianity persisted in a highly Reformed and postmillennial outlook, especially in America.
Then came the First World War, which, all parties agree, ended the hegemony of Reformed postmillennialism:
World War I, supposedly a war to make the world safe for democracy, and a war to end all wars, led instead to the bloodiest and most murderous of centuries. Each instance of interventionism since has left the world even worse off. The state is not an instrument of salvation.1
President Wilson, a Presbyterian, speaking in postmillennial overtones of “a war to end all wars,” led Americans into the first civilization-wide civil war which decimated and demoralized all the Christian nations. As Churchill said, “War, which used to be cruel and magnificent, has now become cruel and squalid.”2 The internecine war of Christendom violated every assumption of Just War Theory and Chivalry, featuring many theretofore unknown technological indignities such as trench warfare, landmines, and death by mustard gas; Christian against Christian, these travesties overwhelmed our societal conscience and left the West disillusioned with its own principles. The optimistic eschatology which previously defined Protestant Christianity fell precipitously. And the Reformed theology of which it was part receded with it.
The Second World War which followed – really, the second phase of the European and Christian civil war – only introduced a stronger mix of the same tincture by way of the Judeocide. For here was a mighty rhetorical supplement indeed, a capstone really, to the case against the Christian millennium and worldview. Thus runs the argument:
Who informed on their Jewish neighbors? Who charged into Jewish homes…knocked on false walls…dragged out terrified families? Who pulled the beards of old men…violated young Jewish women…demeaned poor bewildered souls in every conceivable way and herded them into cattle cars? Who stripped innocent crowds of their clothes and their dignity forced them naked into mass shower rooms and turned on the gas as pandemonium filled the rooms? Who ordered bodies to be stacked in huge pyres like cords of wood? Who fired the furnaces? Who were these predators of human life? For the most part they were professed Christians who celebrated Christmas, Good Friday and Easter. On Sunday they worshipped in cathedrals and churches. But during the week, they engaged in one of the most heinous crimes ever perpetrated against humanity. Christians must not forget the Holocaust—because Christians were there too. The Holocaust is an indictment of so-called Christian Europe. . . .
Unfortunately, religious bigotry is the worst bigotry of all. Until the Christian churches modify their theology that makes the Jew an object of disdain and until they recognize that the Jewish people have a glorious Divine destiny separate and distinct from the Christian Church, anti-Semitism will continue to plague this nation.
And modify their theology the churches did. Yockey speaks poignantly to the spiritual revolution which the Second World War affected upon the American soul:
The result of all this is a powerful spiritual influence on the American people. This people reads the books which aliens write or edit for it. It sees the plays and cinemas it is allowed to. It thinks the thoughts that are put into its head. It is thrown into wars against American interests, which it can only lose. The issue of war and peace, life and death, is decided for America by the Cultural alien. America has been given a semitic countenance. Americans who hold power hold it in deference to the alien. To oppose him dare no public men.3
If Scofield’s work found a synergistic interplay with the demoralization of Christendom in WWI to affect the Judaization of Evangelicalism, WWII found a like expression of economy within the Reformed churches through Norman Vincent Peale’s 1956 book The Power of Positive Thinking.4 Aside from his being a Reformed minister, he was also a 33rd degree Freemason, with membership in the Scottish Rite and the Shriners.5 He is believed to be the first to speak of the ‘Judeo-Christian Ethic’ and ‘Judeo-Christianity’ in the sense that it is intoned today – as the patent American view and somehow authoritatively expressive of historic Christianity. The completion of that transformation from a term denoting crypto-Jews to one denoting vanilla Christianity happens to have also coincided precisely with the Neoconservative takeover of the American Right. A remarkable confluence of religious and political revolutions denoting a common ideological basis, if not the self-same architects.
In the post-WWII era, this most unlikely term – ‘Judeo-Christian’, a true oxymoron – has become the virtue-signaling shibboleth invoked by those who claim Christ, but only a Christ who is subservient to the Jews and their interests – which is to say, the ersatz morality of political correctness, taking into its scope the entire spectrum of the Civil Rights movement and race-egalitarianism. Because the alternative – a Christianity not beholden to the Jews and which doesn’t profess race-equality – is said to be consonant with Nazism. Even if not anathematized officially by any orthodox church, National Socialism (really, not the Socialism, only the Nationalism) was anathematized by all the Western governments in the mid-twentieth century, and that statist excommunication was at length assumed by the churches. Of course, this would seem to stand Christian ecclesiology on its head. But as is well known, a signal feature of guilt, even when wrongly assigned, is its weakening of moral resolve; or otherwise stated, guilt undermines faith and yields inability to live out Christian principle.
All of which goes to say that the ‘Judeo-Christian’ concept, as it is known today, is a nigh-perfect inversion of its original content: once meaning a Jew compelled to bow to Christ, it now denotes a Christian compelled to bow to the Jews. As such, it presupposes an inversion of Christian ethics. And that, “for fear of the Jews.”
This brings us to the underlying matter of the Judeocide: if Paul warned the churches regarding the Judaizers to ‘give no heed to Jewish fables’ because the Judaized Christianity which their narratives produced led whole households astray and represented ‘other gospels’, then we have in the ‘Holocaust’ just such a narrative. The indoctrination of this fable has indeed resulted in a hybridization of the Christian faith.
Irrespective of what did or did not happen to the Jews during WWII, if we are in fact Christians “taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ” (2 Cor. 10:5), it is imperative for us to disavow use of the term “Holocaust” when speaking on the subject. Because this term, ‘holocaust,’ incontrovertibly means “a burnt offering of propitiation.” Yes, the Jews invoke the term as doctrine. It is their soteriology. You see, because they reject the Messiah, Christ Jesus, they see themselves as the ‘Holy Seed’ – a messianic race. Thus they comprehend the crucible of WWII as their Mt. Calvary wherein they atoned for their own sins as a people, securing their own salvation and what they believe to be their rightful rule over the earth. The ‘Holocaust’ is not a matter of history, but a doctrinal lens through which history is interpreted. It is, by definition, ‘another gospel’ such as Paul warned us against. To the Jewish mind, it sets a narrative of self-atonement in direct repudiation of Christ’s atonement. An anti-gospel.
Confronted with this reality, the reaction of the average ‘Judeo-Christian’ is generally determined by whether he is an Evangelical (Dispensationalist) or Reformed: the Evangelical proclaims the Jews to be a superior race in the eyes of God, and their political interests all primary to God’s Kingdom. Therefore, their narrative is, from that jaundiced perspective, inextricable from the gospel. They forthrightly denounce any who will not serve the Jews as outside the Christian faith. But this is overt heresy.
Meanwhile, the man who identifies himself as Reformed and ‘Judeo-Christian’ also reacts with a programmed stint of outrage, but will, perhaps after revisiting his Catechism, the Three Forms of Unity, and the pages of Scripture, deny the Jewish narrative and Zionist political interests as having any essential crossover with the Christian gospel. Albeit, while this is better than the Evangelical conclusion, even the Reformed fellow is strongly prone to fall back to the ostensible position of his Evangelical cousin when anyone rebukes Neoconservatism, Zionist foreign policy, the predation of Jews on Christian society, or the Jewish narrative of WWII. Then, something short-circuits. Suddenly, the Reformed fellow falls into lockstep with the Dispensationalist, united somehow in visceral convictions apart from, and all too often over, his stated theology – that neuro-habituated programming, ‘Judeo-Christianity.’
Really, what else could make sense of the fact that Christians of all denominations are adopting ‘Holocaust Remembrance Day‘ as a worldwide Christian holiday alongside Christmas and Easter? ‘Judeo-Christianity’ is ostensibly drafting a new liturgical calendar based on cultural Marxism.
Underscoring the point further, even the Neo-Theonomists, the professed mantle-bearers of orthodox nomology, are not so offended by open blasphemies against Christ to demur from religious pluralism. Rather, they’ve actually come to cheer for religious pluralism and tolerance, but they seem of one mind on the dreaded subject of “Holocaust Denial”: according to them, denial of the Jewish doctrinal narrative of WWII amounts to collusion in the supposed murder of ‘The Sacred Six Million’ … which they entirely take for granted. As they see it, this offense is grievous enough to demand excommunication and even warrants state execution. Jews and other Satanists are oddly welcome in their utopia, but traditional Christians who reject the Jewish doctrine of ‘The Good War’ and the hybrid ethics of ‘Judeo-Christianity’ are granted no sanctuary in church or state. Not coincidentally, as in the Jewish-run Soviet Union, anti-Semitism (disagreeing with Jews) would seem to carry a death sentence in the Neo-Theonomic state.
Of course, this means that the present leadership in the churches regard blasphemy spoken against Jesus as far less an offense than a word spoken against the Jews. While they vigorously repudiate the concept of Christian anti-blasphemy laws, they utter nary a word against the extradition of people from American soil to stand trial in foreign courts for expressing doubts about the Jewish ‘Holocaust’ doctrine. Progressively more and more countries have passed laws criminalizing any deviation from the Israel-approved narrative. And our Galatianized churchmen seem perfectly content with this state of affairs. Where Paul condemned the Jews for their murder of Christ and their being “against all men” (1 Thess. 2:15), ‘Judeo-Christians’ today say all men must be for the Jews. The implications of which are that they hold Auschwitz a more hallowed ground than Calvary. It would then seem that the Jews occupy in the consciences of such men a superior position than Christ, God Almighty. All of which speaks conclusively to the heresy of such a position as it remorselessly flouts the first three of the Ten Commandments directly and sets Caiaphas over Christ.
Granted, on account of the visceral guilt-based nature of this programming, its theology is frequently asserted at an unconscious level, often even contrary to the professed doctrine of an individual caught in its spell. All the more reason, however, for following Paul’s admonition – “rebuke them sharply, that they might be sound in the faith” (Titus 1:13). Any redress of the errors of ‘Judeo-Christian’ Holocaustianity needs be especially direct, lucid, and most importantly orthodox; else there is little likelihood of penetrating this delusion which Paul referred to as a pernicious “bewitchment” (Gal. 3:1). What better word can describe the psycho-sorcery of guilt-manipulation?
Moreover, the metaphysical heft of that guilt well transcends the individual. Operative on a societal scale, it is a defining “wind of doctrine” contiguous with the secular zeitgeist. Frankly, the fact that ‘Judeo-Christians’ find no disagreement with the Jewish/Humanist interpretation of that high, holy sacrifice, granting Christ’s enemies the ostensible rule of all nations is itself an uncanny proof of the ‘Judeo-Christian’ worldview being something apart from Christianity. This meta-ethical blindness is so severe in the post-WWII churches that they either do not perceive or do not care that the ‘Holocaust’ represents an historic paradigm shift against the Christian faith.
For no matter how we may wish to suppress its implications, if we grant the ‘Holocaust’ in principle, we have conceded to flipping the historical script, with the Messiah (in His people) recast as the ultimate villain of history, and the villains (His murderers, the Jews) recast as a separate and greater messiah. In popular perception it takes the blood guilt off the Jews, laying it upon Christendom and, thereby, Christ Himself. This inversion of perspective, with the full synergistic effort of Hollywood and Academia, accounts for the radical polarization away from Christian law and ethics in the church. It explains why claimants of Christ now generally regard all things wholesome, beautiful, high, and familiar as tokens of abject evil, while simultaneously imputing to all things tainted, ugly, low, and foreign some higher metaphysical virtue. It posits the only good Christian as one who serves the Jews.
But the Jews have long had a term for Bloodguilt denied – “Blood Libel.” Under their late hegemony, this term has supplanted all previous Christian terminology – ‘Bloodguilt,’ ‘Blood Curse,’ or ‘Deicide’ as descriptive of Matt. 27:25; Acts 5:28, 1 Thess. 2:15, etc. – for the matter in the common vernacular of the churches. This new term implicitly posits an organized Christian conspiracy international in scope, and spanning more than a millennium, with a coordinated effort by thousands of Christians of various ways of life, to frame the Jews in the brutal ritual murders of their own children. Without any analysis of the facts pertaining to these accusations one way or the other, ‘Judeo-Christians’ today grant the dubious Jewish perspective without question. Worse, they don’t even balk at the fact that Jews regard the Crucifixion of Christ to be the greatest and central Blood Libel. In fact, lumpen Evangelicals concede to the Jews even on that, by dissembling on the matter of who killed Christ: while the apostles emphasized the Jewish role in Christ’s execution, ‘Judeo-Christians’ object, saying rather that “all mankind” killed Jesus together, with an equal hand in the crime. But even this attempt at mitigating the Jewish role in the crucifixion does not placate the Jews. Rather, they either deny the Jews had any part in the murder of Christ, or they embrace it heartily, asserting that they executed Him for idolatry and blasphemy. The common denominator between these alternatives is that they deny any wrongdoing and insist that any insinuation to the contrary on the part of Christians is itself ‘Blood Libel’.
So the ‘Holocaust’ – their soteriological equivalent of Golgotha Hill – imputed in the popular mind the Bloodguilt previously recognized as theirs, back upon Christendom. Thus the Neoconservative favorite of ‘Judeo-Christians’, Ben Shapiro, rules in accord with the ADL that the New Testament doctrine of “Bloodguilt leads to Blood Libels.”
Once granted by world governments, this ‘Holocaust’ theology has in the churches unofficially, albeit conclusively, anathematized any continued acknowledgment of Bloodguilt against the Jews and, conversely, institutionalized Blood Libel against Christendom, reducing the religion of our pulpits from the command of repentance for all men and the forgiveness of sins to the enslavement of Christendom to an eternal social and metaphysical guilt, and the newly discovered higher law which demands veneration of the single most anti-Christian demographic on earth. So it is that the church has acquiesced to every foreign god and sect – because our churchmen believe Christendom to have no moral authority apart from ecumenical solidarity with the other. This is the zeitgeist. ‘Judeo-Christianity’ does not oppose it, but only begs its acceptance, to find, perchance, the favor of the Jews; and therein do they place their new hope of salvation.
There is no neutral ground. To whatever extent the Judeo narrative of history is accepted, so is their false gospel. No matter how ‘Judeo-Christians’ might wish to hedge their hybridized faith to somehow retain both the Christian faith and the Talmudic narrative, it cannot but subordinate Christianity to the Jews, and a Christ subordinate to His enemies is not the Christ of Scripture. Such a Christ is but a golem dispatched to rend from within what little life remains from the breast of Christendom.
But in all this is a great consolation too. For the blasphemy of Galatianism and the heresy of modern ‘Holocaust’ theology ensure an inevitable collapse of ‘Judeo-Christendom’. Because this spurious alloy of incompatible elements proves brittle no matter what implement is forged from it. The express values of ‘Judeo-Christianity’ cannot be lived out coherently. We bear witness of this recompense even now as their greatest commandment – defending Israel at all costs – results in unending sacrifice of their sons’ strength in far-flung lands on behalf of Christ’s most tenacious enemies. And all this, while the multi-ethnic religious pluralism presupposed in their amalgamated religion likewise demands the gates be flung wide at home to radicalized refugees from all the tribes on which they made war. They do not reproduce themselves physically, but diminish year by year. And the heirs they do produce generally do not perpetuate the Christian religion in any recognizable form. All their denominations falter, their congregations disintegrate, their seminaries hang by a thread, and every political and economic paradigm which they have professed founders.
But to heed the apostle’s command to ‘rebuke them sharply,’ we must reckon also with the fact that all of us today have been reared in the shadow of that Judaized Christendom, and none have been so cloistered as to wholly avoid its conceptual influences. Therefore, inasmuch as we hope to cast down the bewitching Galatian theology ravaging the churches, we must endeavor first to take every thought captive (2 Cor. 10:5) in our own hearts. For you cannot “revenge all disobedience [until] your obedience is fulfilled” (2 Cor. 10:6). As with the terms ‘racism,’ ‘sexism,’ ‘xenophobia,’ ‘Islamophobia,’ etc., in order to purge its Judaized presuppositions from our own minds, we must purge the Judaic usages of the term ‘Holocaust’ from our own lexicons. It simply does not mean what they use it to signify. Only by reasserting genuine meanings against the fantasies of ‘Judeo-Christianity’ may we reclaim the language of Christendom and reprise Truth. If we fail to do so, proving ourselves ensnared, if to a lesser degree, in the same Talmudic dogmas, will we be exempt from the rebuke of heaven?
Article ends.
Until next time
May Yahweh richly bless you with wisdom and understanding
Ladies And Gentlemen, I have finished a three-part teaching series on the book of Ecclesiastes. King Solomon, who was given more wisdom than any other before him continues his observations of that which is, has been and will be done under the sun. I call myself “The Teacher” he calls himself “The Preacher”, both will cause you to contemplate things that you may not have thought of before.
Today, you are kept so busy that there’s not much time to really think about the deeper things that really matter. Sure you have time to think about the shallow things like your wants and needs, but what does that really teach you? A man or woman needs to hear the truth. There’s something about it that satisfies the soul and answers the questions that we’ve had all throughout our lives. Solomon says there’s a time to hate, but the world and their politically correct nonsense tells you it’s wrong to hate. Ironically, these people who tell you it’s wrong to hate are some of the biggest haters on the planet. Yes, there is a time to hate and it is part of the human experience. Telling someone it’s wrong to hate would be like telling them it’s wrong to love.
Today, the jews, liberal race traitors and have-nots are trying to have us override what our conscience or instincts tell us. They tell us to not pay attention to warnings or color or race, yet we know the facts about these things and what the ramifications are. In Nature, color is used to camouflage and hide creatures so they can attack their prey. Color is also used as a warning to other creatures to stay away. We learn the same things through our experiences just as the creatures do. If they do not heed the warnings, death ensues and this goes for all of us as well.
This equality nonsense of pretending we are all equal is costing us serious collateral damage as well as personal damage.
They want you to ignore the black problem and pretend that it does not exist. They make up excuses and lie to the public
telling us that we are safe, when in fact, we are in greater danger in our countries than ever before. The jew run fake mainstream media has been lying about minority on white crime for decades and have not reported it. Instead they hide it and camouflage it leaving the citizens to believe they are perfectly safe. This takes away the warning signal and people who would have heeded it and would have been safe, will now and have been victims of the most brutal crimes you couldn’t even imagine.
Control of the press by the jews has been a disaster for us and its control should be removed from them immediately. The sooner this is done, the sooner the press can regain its function of warning people of these problems and hunting down the real criminals in our countries et al. The problem is that the jews, who are the criminals, are the ones that run the fake mainstream media don’t report on themselves very often. When they do, they never mention that they are jews so that the public think they are whites and blame the whites for all these crimes. The biggest problem that race mixing brings is that it muddies the waters leaving you guessing who’s who and who’s jew et al. This is being done on purpose for the obvious reasons. This is also the reason you were taught or should I say conditioned to not look at a man for the color of his skin or his race and religion. Do you see that it negates all of the warnings that might alert you? Blacks and jews are scary looking if you’ve never seen them before, but now you’ve been desensitized and view them as a normal part of your world experience today. A man’s religion can be and often is a religion of evil, yet you are told to accept the man and his evil religion into your country.
There are many revelations in this series that Yahweh has revealed. The most wonderful one being that wisdom can be spent over and over again throughout your life unlike money that is spent once. This is why Solomon say wisdom is more precious than rubies. Remember this dear reader…The beginning of wisdom is the fear of Yahweh. Fear him as a child would have a healthy fear of his parents and He who hates wisdom loves death.
I sincerely hope you read this and thought it out with an objective mind for it will begin to correct the false fables of political correctness that are killing our society. Return to the Father Yahweh and forget about religion. The bible is a book about race not religion. It is the history of the race of Adam who came here long after the other races were here.
Adam means to be able to blush.
Here is the three-part series on the book of Ecclesiastes:
Ladies and Gentlemen, I have finished the series of shows on B. F. Jackson’s “Mystery Of Satan And The Devil”. I believe you will be amazed at the content and the amount of revelation this series brings. Understanding what is happening to our race, our countries, our culture and ultimately the world is extremely important if we are to survive. We are literally being written out of the picture by the jews. They have tried to write Yahweh our Heavenly Father out of the picture as well because they hate Him and His literal offspring the Adamic race. There is no limit to their wickedness and hatred for us. There is no evil under the sun that they will not commit to corrupt, control, impede, mute, twist and ultimately destroy not only us, but the air, the water, the land, the food, the animals, the other races and eventually themselves.
We, the race of Adam are patient and merciful like our Father Yahweh. We have had these fine qualities used against us and it’s about time that our patience runs out. We must learn to stick together, not apologize for speaking the truth, return to Yahweh and make Him our King once again. We must look to Him for counsel and stop looking to the counselors of hell for instruction. When I speak of the Scriptures, I am not speaking anything about religion. The Bible is a book about the history of the race of Adam. It was not meant for any other family of this earth.
The religions of this world have the jews’ father as their god (little g) who is not a god at all, but a fallen angel. If you doubt that all the religions of the world have Lucifer as their god, listen to my shows and I have proven it many times.
Judaism did not spawn Christianity as you were taught to believe. It is the most vile set of books filled with Demonology, sexual perversion, hatred for Jesus and Christianity, pantheism rather than being monotheistic, lies and the ideas of filthy dreamers, foolish laws that make no sense, superstitious nonsense, how to appease demons, backwards anti-biblical scripture, the Cabala and so much more that would make you want to vomit.
The first B. F. Jackson book called “The Mystery Of The Serpent” was full of revelations that explained and confirmed many things. I did a series on this book as well which you can enjoy:
If you are going to learn anything in this world and deprogram yourself from the lies you’ve you’ve been taught, you must take an objective look at the subject matter. I believe you can train yourself to be an over comer. It just takes time and a healthy deep search with a love for the truth. You’ve got to train yourself to be free. They have invested quite a bit of time and money indoctrinating all of us to believe these fables. Because we wouldn’t lie to them, we think they wouldn’t lie to us.
That’s the catchall that traps us into their lies. We can be somewhat gullible as well. For instance: you work hard all week and when the weekend comes, you want to just relax and watch a movie. At this point, you don’t want to think about things too heavily, you just want to be entertained Right? So you let your guard down and they know this and use it as a weapon against you to subtly indoctrinate you and sway how and what you believe. After several years of this and schooling, you are prepared to fight for ideals that someone has put in your head. You must search and find where you got your frame of reference. You will be surprised at what you will find.
There are two educations, the education (INDOCTRINATION) that you received from the fool school system, the television, the news papers, the magazines, Hollywood and literature. “Seek the truth and the truth shall set you free”, free from what? Free from the lies , the fables, the ideals that never translate to reality, the hoaxes, the deceptions devised to entrap you, confusion, illusion and most of all…FEAR.
I certainly hope and pray that you will find your way through this crazy world maze. Remember that the bible is not a religious book. It is however “THE” key to understand what is really happening to us and this world. It will unlock the biggest picture of all and help you connect the dots.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Farrakhan admitted that the whites are the Israelites. I watched the whole so-called sermon. Farrakhan is now preaching a meld of Islam and Christianity. This is in line with what the Pope said recently when he stated that the Bible and the Quran are essentially the same. In one breath Farrakhan tells his audience that Allah is God and then in the next Jesus is Messiah. Then he may say that Muhammed is the Savior. You can see that Farrakhan is part of the NWO plot. He could now qualified as a British Israelist. He thinks the Jews are white people and all white people are the devil. Though he points out the Jews as the sources of the problems of the blacks, he still thinks the whites are also included. Thus he says all whites are the Israelites. Strangely he claims that white people came from blacks. He says that Esau was black and Jacob was white. He also claims that the Angel that Jacob wrestled with was black and that Angel was also called God. He says that the whites have always struggled against the blacks who are the stronger people.
Amazingly, he tells the blacks they are dead lining when it comes to business. He barely holds them to account for their own suffering. He claims that back in the days of slavery all the blacks were highly skilled workmen and that they were the builders, not the whites. He says that a Jew went to Congress to start a movement to put the blacks back on the plantations and in doing so, the blacks were not allowed to continue being tradesman and since the fathers could not teach the sons the trades, the blacks just miraculously lost those abilities. Of course the audience has no idea he lying to them. They believe every word with all their hearts. We all know the blacks of Africa have made nothing more than one story mud huts and he knows that too. He speaks of all the other immigrants that come to America and within a short span of time they are successfully surpassing the blacks. He blames the white race for this, giving his people excuses for their lack of success.
He speaks of the slave trade and tells them a story of a black slave woman who lived in a barn with her children and ate crickets and worms. He speaks of his books often, holding them up and telling them what scholarly works they are and how they should buy them so they will know all the facts about the slavery days. He has no problem making the church an house of merchandise while selling the ideas that they are all the holy people. In fact, just like Texe Marrs, his books are the most important aspect of the sermon. He says it’s the structure of white supremacy that keeps the blacks down. The audience agrees without questioning their own abilities or accountability which is truly amazing to observe. Like Jews, the blacks don’t have the will to work and Farrakhan tells them that the blacks are done working for white people. LOL
He then speaks about the Jews who are tied to black people in the entertainment fields and how they steal their money so the black artists die poor. Obviously Farrakhan doesn’t really understand the Jews Lol. He doesn’t know that they are the Serpent seed line and that their father is Heylel (LUCIFER). It’s amusing to watch as this self proclaimed prophet of God…or Allah preaching from the bible like he is qualified when it’s obvious that he has no idea what he’s talking about. He simply uses Scriptures to frame his sermon and pretends to make the sermon legitimize his twisted up stories. This is the technique of all those who pretend to know the Scriptures and are the biggest names in Religion. Farrakhan is absolutely an hypocrite and this is about as obvious as it gets. For instance, he is supposed to be an holy man right? Well, he brings up brother Obama and says he’s a good brother who is extremely intelligent and that the Jews wanted to use his great intelligence..Lol. Said he was groomed for this job at this hour. Incredibly, he never mentions that Obama is an homosexual, a liar, a communist, and all the other filthy things this beast of the fields is. Farrakhan just miraculously never mentions a thing about any of it. If Farrakhan was a true prophet, he would never connect himself with such a degenerate and he would have condemned Obama and his transvestite wife Michael. Farrakhan knows all about these things. He may be fooling his own people, but he’s not fooling the rest of the world. Secondly, he mentions Michael Jackson and speaks of him highly yet, if he were a true prophet, he would have condemned Michael as well for being a pedophile. You see, Farrakhan is showing his cards without his audience picking up on it.
Farrakhan speaks of the Jews promoting the blacks in the sports and entertainment fields and tells the blacks they have such great talents like throwing the ball into a hoop or singing and that the Jews exploit these Magnificent talents. of course he is correct in this assumption but is it not amazing that he neglects to quote Israel Cohen to his people? Let’s see the quote:
Is this not amazing? Of course Farrakhan knows of this and just doesn’t want his people to know about it. Farrakhan is not a man of God, a prophet or an holy man. He is a con man and is helping the Jews use his own people. He is an instrument of the Devil and his offspring the Jews make no mistake. Selling his books is the prime mover and giving his people excuses for their absolute failure are secondary. He spoke about the blacks getting reparations as well. He is vermin just like the Jews are vermin. Farrakhan and his people have joined the Jews in going against the establishment of the Israelite nations and ultimately the Kingdom Of Yahweh. May Yahweh destroy them all is my prayer.
The Bible tells us that when Jacob and his family migrated from Asia to Egypt, they were settled in “the land of Rameses” and that they became property owners there (Genesis 47:11, 27). Eventually, the Israelites were used as slave laborers to build the city of Rameses (Exodus 1:11), and when they left after 430 years (Exodus 12:40), they departed from Rameses (Exodus 12:37). From these references, we can conclude that the Israelites spent the years of the Egyptian Sojourn in and around Rameses.
“We not only know where Rameses was located, but we know much about the history of the ancient site.”
The name Rameses actually comes from a later period than the Israelite Sojourn. It was the name given to a city built by Rameses the Great (Rameses II) in the eastern Nile Delta in the 13th century BC. This more familiar name was then used retrospectively by later scribes when copying the Biblical texts. Although the location of Rameses was in dispute for some years, that dispute has now been settled. We not only know where Rameses was located, but we know much about the history of the ancient site.
Since 1966, extensive excavations have been undertaken there under the direction of Manfred Bietak of the Austrian Archaeological Institute, Cairo (for previous reports, see Shea 1990: 100-103; Wood 1991: 104-106; Aling 1996: 20-21). It is possible that Prof. Bietak may have, for the first time, found physical evidence for the presence of the Israelites in Egypt.
Archaeology uncovers the history of the land of Rameses
Ancient Rameses is located at Tell el-Daba in the eastern Delta, approximately 100 km northeast of Cairo. In antiquity, the Pelusiac branch of the Nile flowed past the site, giving access to the Mediterranean. In addition, the town lay on the land route to Canaan, the famous Horus Road. Thus, it was an important commercial and military center.
Now there arose a new king over Egypt, who did not know Joseph. —Exodus 1:8
We can divide the history of the site into three periods: pre-Hyksos, Hyksos and post-Hyksos. The Hyksos were a Semitic people from Syria–Palestine, who took up residence in the eastern Nile Delta and eventually ruled northern Egypt for some 108 years, ca. 1663-1555 BC (15th Dynasty).[1]Jacob and his family arrived in Egypt around 1880 BC, based on an Exodus date of ca. 1450 BC. That was in the pre-Hyksos period when the name of the town was Rowaty, “the door of the two roads” (Bietak 1996: 9,19). [2]
Could this be the Israelites?
Bietak may have, for the first time, found physical evidence for the presence of the Israelites in Egypt. It is the right culture in the right place at the right time.
The earliest evidence for Asiatics at Rowaty (the city that later named Rameses) occurs in the late 12th Dynasty (mid 19th century BC). [3] At that time a rural settlement was founded. It was unfortified, although there were many enclosure walls, most likely for keeping animals. The living quarters consisted of rectangular huts built of sand bricks (Bietak 1986: 237; 1991b: 32). It is highly possible that this is the first material evidence of Israelites in Egypt. It is the right culture in the right place at the right time.
Not all residents of the first Asiatic settlement at Tell el-Daba lived in huts. One of them, evidently an important official, lived in a small villa. The Bible tells us that Joseph became a high official after he correctly interpreted pharaoh’sdreams (Genesis 41:39-45). We are not told where Joseph lived while serving in the Egyptian bureaucracy. It seems logical to assume, however, that after discharging his duties associated with the famine, he would have moved to Rameses to be near his father and brothers.
The villa was 10 x 12 meters in size, situated on one side of an enclosure measuring 12 x 19 meters. It consisted of six rooms laid out in horseshoe fashion around an open courtyard. The most striking aspect of the house is that the floor plan is identical to the Israelite “four-room house” of the later Iron Age in Palestine (Holladay 1992a). In this type of house two side rooms and a back room were arranged around a central space, or courtyard. [5]
Nearby, arranged in a semi-circle around the villa, were poorer two-roomed homes, approximately 6 x 8 meters in size. If the villa was the home of Joseph, then the surrounding huts might have been those of Joseph’s father and brothers. Approximately 20% of the pottery found in the settlement debris was of Palestinian Middle Bronze Age type (Bietak 1996: 10). In the open spaces southwest of the villa was the cemetery of the settlement. Here, some of the most startling evidence was found.
Hebrew Tombs?
The tombs were constructed of mud bricks in Egyptian fashion, but the contents were strictly Asiatic. Although they had been thoroughly plundered, 50% of the male burials still had weapons of Palestinian type in them. Typically, the deceased males were equipped with two javelins, battle-axes and daggers. Tomb 8 contained a fine example of a duckbill-ax and an embossed belt of bronze (Bietak 1996: 14). One of the tombs, however, was totally unique and unlike anything ever found in Egypt…
Joseph’s tomb?
At the southwest end of the burial area, some 83 meters from the villa compound, was a monumental tomb, Tomb 1. It was composed of a nearly square superstructure containing the main burial chamber, and a chapel annex. In a robbers’ pit sunk into the chapel, excavators found fragments of a colossal statue depicting an Asiatic dignitary. The likeness was of a seated official 1 times life size. It was made of limestone and exhibited excellent workmanship. The skin was yellow, the traditional color of Asiatics in Egyptian art. It had a mushroom-shaped hairstyle, painted red, typical of that shown in Egyptian artwork for Asiatics. A throwstick, the Egyptian hieroglyph for a foreigner, was held against the right shoulder. The statue had been intentionally smashed and defaced (Bietak 1996: 20-21).
In his book Pharaohs and Kings: A Biblical Quest, David Rohl suggests that this is the tomb of Joseph himself (1995: 360-67).[6] The evidence seems to support this hypothesis. We must assume that Tomb 1 was that of the occupant of the villa, and thus possibly of Joseph himself. The Bible is very specific as to what became of Joseph’s body.
“So Joseph died, being one hundred and ten years old; and they embalmed him, and he was put in a coffin in Egypt.” —Genesis 50:26
Moses took the bones of Joseph with him during the Exodus because Joseph had made the sons of Israel swear an oath.
Joseph had said, “God will surely come to your aid, and then you must carry my bones up with your from this place.” —Exodus 13:19; cf. Genesis 50:25
Inside the burial chamber excavators found fragments of an inscribed limestone sarcophagus and a few bone fragments, but no intact skeleton as in the other tombs in the cemetery (Bietak 1991a: 61). Sometime after the burial, a pit was dug at the end of the chapel and a tunnel dug into the burial chamber. The “coffin” (sarcophagus) was then broken and the remains of the deceased removed by these “tomb robbers” (Rohl 1995: 363). It was common for tombs to be broken into in antiquity and the valuables removed, but to have the body taken is highly unusual.
Was the statue broken at the time the bones were removed, or was that done at another time? Archaeology cannot tell us the answer; we can only speculate.
It is likely that the statue was broken during a time of political turmoil (Bietak 1996: 21), possibly when the Hyksos took over rule of the region. It appears most likely that the “new king, who did not know about Joseph” (Exodus 1:8) was the first Hyksos king who came to power ca. 1663 BC.[7] At that time, the Israelites came under intense oppression (Exodus 1:9-11). Perhaps the Hyksos destroyed the statue when they overthrew local Egyptian authority. Since the remains in the tomb would also have been in danger, faithful Israelites may have removed them for safekeeping at this time.
Evidence that the Hyksos took control
In the next phase of occupation, [8] the humble dwellings of were covered over and a huge palace complex constructed. It is obvious that the newcomers, although Asiatic, were different from those in the previous period. [9]
The palace complex comprised several large buildings, purely Egyptian in style. It included upper stories, porticos, courtyards, pools, gardens and cemeteries (Bietak 1996: 21-30). The rich finds of this phase suggest that the occupants were high officials engaged in foreign trade. It appears that this was the initial phase of Hyksos settlement at the site. [10] With the coming of these peoples, the fortunes of the families of Jacob’s sons declined (Exodus 1:8-12a).
Without identifying inscriptions, we will never know for sure if the earlier people were Israelites. [11] Contemporary references to Jacob’s 12 sons have not been found. Since the sons of Jacob were humble shepherds, we should not expect to find such records, except possibly for Joseph.[12] However, there are ancient references to several of the tribes of Israel which, of course, were named after the sons of Jacob. So, in an indirect way, we do have inscriptional references to the sons of Jacob, albeit from a later time.
This much we can say about the discoveries in Rameses. The finds represent exactly what we would expect to find from Israelite occupation in Egypt.
The Egyptian word Hyksos means “foreign rulers.” In common usage, however, the term is used to refer in general to the Asiatics who settled in the eastern Delta of Egypt in the Second Intermediate Period. The dates for Hyksos rule are not known precisely. Those used here are based on the following:
Expulsion of the Hyksos in approximately the 15th year of Ahmose (Bietak 1991b: 48)
A total of 108 years for the rule of the Hyksos according to the Turin papyrus (Bietak 1991b: 48)
The chronology of Wente and Van Siclen for the 18th Dynasty (Wente and Van Siclen 1977: 218). This chronology gives a death date for Tuthmosis III of 1450 BC, which correlates with the Biblical date for the Exodus. According to Scripture, the Pharaoh of the Exodus perished in the Yam Suph (Exodus 14:5-9,18,28; 15:4,7; Psalm 106:9-11; 136:15), therefore, we correlate the date of the Exodus with the death date of the Pharaoh of the Exodus. The chronology of Wente and Van Siclen also incorporates the low date of 1279 BC for the accession of Rameses II accepted by most scholars today.
In the 14th Dynasty, toward the end of the 18th century BC, the name of the town was changed to Avaris, “the (royal) foundation of the district” (Bietak 1996:40). When the Hyksos later established their capital there, they retained the name Avaris. It was probably the Hyksos rulers who forced the Israelites to build the store cities of Pithom (= Tell el-Maskhuta) and Rameses (= Tell el-Daba = Avaris) (Exodus 1:11). When Rameses II rebuilt the city in the 13th century in the post-Hyksos period, and long after the Israelites had left Egypt, the name was changed to Rameses. The location of Pithom has also been a matter of some debate. Now, however, it seems quite certain that it should be located at Tell el-Maskhuta at the eastern end of the Wadi Tumilat, 15 km west of Ismailiya. Asiatic remains similar to those found at Tell el-Daba have been found there and attributed to the Hyksos (Holladay 1992b: 588-89; 1997:332-34). According to Holladay, the Hyksos occupation at Tell el-Maskhuta took place ca. 1750-1625 BC. It would have been sometime during this time period, then, that the Israelites built the store city of Pithom.
Area F/I, Str. d/2, and Area A/II, Str H
Str. d/2 at Tell el-Daba
In Palestine, the side rooms were usually delineated by stone columns. With the scarcity of stone in Egypt, this feature would not be expected. Holladay suggests that the ground floor of such a house was primarily utilized for the economic aspects of family life such as the storage of food, tools and supplies, and the housing of animals. The family living space, on the other hand, was most likely on the second floor.
As a result of his nontraditional chronology of ancient Egypt, however, British historian David Rohl dates Tomb 1 to the late 17th century BC (1995: 339), rather than the mid-nineteenth century as determined by the excavators. Since Rohl believes the Sojourn to be only 215 years based on the Septuagint (1995: 329-32), Joseph and Tomb 1 end up being approximately contemporary by his chronology. The present author, however, disagrees with both of these views and holds to conventional Egyptian chronology and a Sojourn of 430 years (Ex 12:40) as recorded in the Masoretic text of the Hebrew Bible. Moreover, Rohl places Joseph and Tomb 1 in Str. d/1, while the present author accepts the excavators’ dating of Tomb 1 to Str. d/2, and believes Str. d/2 to be a more compatible context for Joseph and the Israelites.
We are not certain of the name of the first Hyksos king. Redford suggests Salitis/Saites based on literary references (1992: 342), while Ward suggests Khyan based on inscriptional evidence (1984:162-72).
Str. d/1 dating to the early 13th Dynasty (early 18th century BC)
Str. d/2
Str. d/1
Str. d/2
There is a canal connecting the Nile with the Faiyum in the western desert named Bahr Yusuf, the “canal of Joseph.” Development of the Faiyum is associated with Dynasty 12, the time when Joseph was in Egypt carrying out land reforms (Genesis 41:46-49; Gardiner 1961: 35-36). Whether the name of the canal is ancient or from a relatively modern tradition is not known. Otherwise, the name of Joseph has not turned up in Egypt (see Aling 1996).
Y. Aharoni, The Land of the Bible
, revised edition, translated and edited by A.F. Rainey (Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1979).
C.F. Aling, “The Historicity of the Joseph Story,” Bible and Spade 9 (1996), pp. 17-28.
M. Bietak, Avaris and Piramesse: Archaeological Exploration in the Eastern Nile Delta, (London: The British Academy, 1986); “Der Friedhof in einem Palastgarten aus der Zeit des spten Mittleren Riches und andere Forschungsergebnisse aus dem stlichen Nildelta (Tell el-Daba 1984-1987),” Agypten und Levante 2 (1991a), pp. 47-109; “Egypt and Canaan During the Middle Bronze Age,” Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, 281 (1991b), pp. 27-72; Avaris: The Capital of the Hyksos, (London: British Museum Press, 1996).
A. Biran, “City of the Golden Calf,” Bible and Spade, 5 (1976), pp. 22-27; “To the God Who is in Dan,” in Temples and High Places in Biblical Times, A. Biran, editor, (Jerusalem: Hebrew Union College, 1981), pp. 142-51.
A. Chambon, “Tell el-Far’ah I: L’ge du Fer,” Mmoire 31 (Paris: Editions Recherche sur les Civilisations, 1984).
I. Finkelstein, “Izbet Sartah: An Early Iron Age Site Near Rosh Haayin, Israel,” BAR International Series 299 (Oxford: B.A.R., 1986).
V. Fritz and A. Kempinski, Ergebnisse der Ausgrabunden auf der Hiebet el-Msas (Tel Masos) 1972-1975 (Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1983).
A. Gardiner, Egypt of the Pharaohs (London: Oxford University Press, 1961).
H. Gauthier, Dictionnaire des noms goraphiques contenus dans les textes hiroglyphiques, Volume 1 (Cairo: L’Institute Franais d’Archologie Orientale, 1925).
H.L. Ginsberg, “Aramaic Letters,” in J.B. Pritchard, editor, Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1969), pp. 491-492.
D.V. Hadley, “Asher,” in D.N. Freedman, editor, The Anchor Bible Dictionary, Vol. 1 (New York: Doubleday, 1992), pp. 482-483.
J.S. Holladay, Jr. “House, Israelite,” in D.N. Freedman, editor, The Anchor Bible Dictionary, Volume 3 (New York: Doubleday, 1992a), pp. 308-18; “Maskhuta, Tell el-,” in D.N. Freedman, editor, The Anchor Bible Dictionary, Volume 4 (New York: Doubleday, 1992b), pp. 588-92; “Maskhuta, Tell el-,” in E.M. Meyers, editor, The Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near East, Volume 3 (New York: Oxford University Press, 1997), pp. 432-437.
K.A. Kitchen, Ancient Orient and Old Testament, (Downers Grove IL: InterVarsity, 1966); Ramesside Inscriptions Translated and Annotated: Notes and Comments, Volume 1 (Oxford: Blackwell, 1993).
A. Lemaire, “House of David Restored in Moabite Inscription,” Biblical Archaeology Review, 20/3 (1994), pp. 30-37.
C.C. McCown, Tell en-Nasbeh I (Berkeley: The Palestine Institute of Pacific School of Religion, 1947).
A.L. Oppenheim, “Babylonian and Assyrian Historical Texts,” in J.B. Pritchard, editor, Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1969), pp. 265-317, 556-567.
D.B. Redford, “Hyksos: History,” in D.N. Freedman, editor, The Anchor Bible Dictionary, Volume 3 (New York: Doubleday, 1992), pp. 341-344.
D.M. Rohl, Pharaohs and Kings: A Biblical Quest (New York: Crown, 1995).
H. Shanks, “Strata,” Biblical Archaeology Review, 23/2 (1997), p. 8.
W.H. Shea, “Leaving Egypt,” Archaeology and Biblical Research, 3 (1990), pp. 99-111.
E. Stern, Material Culture of the Land of the Bible in the Persian Period 538-332 B.C. (Warminster: Aris & Phillips, 1982).
W.A. Ward, “Royal-Name Scarabs,” in Olga Tufnell, Studies on Scarab Seals, Volume 2 (Warminster: Aris & Phillips, 1984), pp. 151-192.
E. Wente and C. Van Siclen III, “A Chronology of the New Kingdom,” in Studies in Honor of George R. Hughes January 12, 1977, J.H. Johnson and E.F. Wente, editors, Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization, 39 (Chicago: The Oriental Institute, 1977), pp. 217-261.
B.G. Wood, “Recent Discoveries and Research on the Conquest,” Archaeology and Biblical Research, 4 (1991), pp. 104-110; “Mesha, King of Moab,” Bible and Spade, 9 (1996), pp. 55-64.
G.E. Wright, Shechem: The Biography of a Biblical City (London: Gerald Duckworth, 1965).
Author: Dr. Bryant G. Wood of Associates for Biblical Research. Adapted from the ABR article: “The Sons of Jacob: New Evidence for the Presence of the Israelites in Egypt”
Ladies and Gentlemen, I had to redo all the pics from this article. They were magically taken down. I even added more so we can see more proof.
Egypt White Proof, Black Spoof
Bust of Queen Nefertiti, 1370–1330 BC, wife of Pharaoh Akhenaten. Amazingly enough, some claim she was black.
February is officially “Black History Month” in America, Britain, and Canada, and it is now commonplace during this month to recycle stories about past “great black civilizations” and “black inventions”—except, as demonstrated below, these claims are all mythical.
The most widely heard claim of a great “past black civilization” is that of ancient Egypt, because of the existence of a number of black, or “Nubian,” pharaohs.
The facts of the matter are as follows: ancient Egypt was founded in 3300 BC, and the Nubians ruled only for a short period between 732 and 664 BC.
This was more than two thousand years after ancient Egypt had been founded—and, significantly, the black ascendancy to the throne marked the collapse of Egypt, not its foundation.
Although blacks and Semites were present in small numbers at the early stages of ancient Egypt’s history, they only featured as trading partners, slaves, or hired mercenaries.
Above, left: Yuya, an Egyptian nobleman from 1400 BC. He was the father of Tiy, the wife of Pharaoh Amenhotep III. Yuya’s blond hair has been well preserved by the embalming process. Alongside, his equally blonde-haired wife, Thuya, great grandmother of Tutankhamen. From The Children of Ra.
Above: A statue of Ramesses II, nineteenth dynasty (1292–1225 BC), and his mummy. From The Children of Ra.
Above: A bust of the female Pharaoh Hatshepsut, fifth pharaoh of the eighteenth dynasty (1509–1458 BC), and her mummy. From The Children of Ra.
Tomb of Seti I, Valley of the Kings, Egypt, 13th century BC. Painting in the tomb of the 19th Dynasty Ancient Egyptian pharaoh Seti I who ruled Egypt from c1290 until 1279 BC. He was the father of Rameses the Great. Seti’s tomb was discovered in 1817 by the Italian antiquities collector Giovanni Belzoni. Every chamber and passageway was richly decorated with bas reliefs or wall paintings. (Photo by Art Media/Print Collector/Getty Images)
Above: Artwork depicting Pharaoh Seti I, made during his lifetime at the Temple at Abydos, circa 1320 BC, and his mummy. From The Children of Ra.
Above: Close-ups of the sides of Tutankhamun’s “Hope Chest” showing Semitic and black enemies being defeated. From The Children of Ra.
Above: Nubians bringing tribute to the pharaohs, Tomb of Sobekhotep, twelfth dynasty, circa 1850 BC. From The Children of Ra.
Above: Egyptian slave market, with black slaves waiting to be sold. Bologna Museum. From The Children of Ra.
In addition, the white Egyptians left many written references to the black population in Nubia, and in their own country. The most complete record and translation of these scripts was undertaken by Professor James Henry Breasted, Professor of Egyptology and Oriental History in the University of Chicago in his worksHistory of Egypt, from the Earliest Times to the Persian Conquest, and his Ancient Records of Egypt series.
The ancient Egyptians invaded Nubia several times, and the final conquest of that land was attained by Sesostris III in 1840 BC. As translated by Breasted, the first Semneh stela inscription recounting the subjugation of Nubia by Sesostris III reads as follows:
“Southern boundary, made in the year 8, under the majesty of the king of Upper and Lower Egypt, Sesostris III . . . in order to prevent that any black should cross it, by water or by land, with a ship, or any herds of the blacks; except a black who shall come to do trading in Iken, or with a commission. Every good thing shall be done with them but without allowing a ship of the blacks to pass by Heh, going downstream, forever.”
Because the ancient Egyptians liberally used blacks and Semites as slaves, workers, and even low-level state functionaries, racial integration became widespread and the numbers of mixed-race individuals eventually became overwhelming.
By the time of the twenty-fourth dynasty, about 730 BC, Egypt’s population resembled that of today: a mixed-race mass made up of white, Semitic, and black extraction.
In 727 BC, the Nubian king Piye invaded Egypt and established the twenty-fifth dynasty. This era was the first genuinely black rule in Egypt, and although the twenty-fifth dynasty is counted as part of the historical line of rulers of Egypt, it had no links at all with the earliest kings—and founders—of that civilization.
This Nubian dynasty came to an abrupt end when Egypt was invaded by the Assyrians in 655 BC, only some 72 years later.
The Afrocentrist claim that the handful of black pharaohs from the twenty-fifth dynasty “proves” that ancient Egypt was African in origin is as false as claiming that the United States of America was founded by blacks because it had a half-black president in 2011—or that Detroit was founded by blacks because it has a majority black population in 2015.
In fact, as the historical record shows, the appearance of blacks as “pharaohs” marks the end of ancient Egypt, not its foundation.
It is not only in ancient history where these “black history” myths are propagated. Every February, the public is treated to a large number of claims about “black inventions” as well.
The most prominent of these claims are briefly discussed hereunder.
Myth 1: Filament for lightbulb.
The claim: Lewis Latimer invented the carbon filament in 1881 or 1882.
The truth: English chemist/physicist Joseph Swan experimented with a carbon-filament incandescent light in 1860, and by 1878 had developed a better design which he patented in Britain.
On the other side of the Atlantic, Thomas Edison developed a successful carbon-filament bulb, receiving a patent for it (#223898) in January 1880. From 1880 onward, countless patents were issued for innovations in filament design and manufacture (Edison had over 50 of them).
Neither of Latimer’s two filament-related patents in 1881 and 1882 were among them, nor did they make the lightbulb last longer, nor is there reason to believe they were adopted outside Hiram Maxim’s company where Latimer worked at the time.
Myth 2: The artificial heart pacemaker control unit.
The claim: Invented by Otis Boykin.
The Truth: Boykin did develop his own control unit for the artificial heart pacemaker, but this was not an innovation, merely an improvement upon the already existing pacemaker, which had first been developed in 1926, by Dr. Mark C. Lidwill of the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital of Sydney, Australia. Without the prior development of the pacemaker, Boykin’s improved control unit would never have come about.
Myth 3: The fireproof safe.
The claim: Invented by Henry Brown in 1886.
The truth: Strongboxes had been around since at least 1835, when English inventors Charles Chubb and Jeremiah Chubb took out a patent for a fireproof safe. Brown’s “invention” consisted of dividing the interior of a strongbox into compartments to hold documents.
Myth 4: The multiplex telegraph.
The claim: Invented by Granville T. Woods.
The truth: The earliest patents for train telegraphs go back to at least 1873. Lucius Phelps was the first inventor in the field to attract widespread notice, and the telegrams he exchanged on the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad in January 1885 were hailed in the Feb. 21, 1885 issue of Scientific American as “perhaps the first ever sent to and from a moving train.”
Myth 5: The modern home-video gaming console.
The claim: Invented by Gerald A, Lawson in 1976.
The truth: Gerald Lawson worked as director of engineering and marketing for Fairchild Semiconductor’s video game division, and oversaw the production of the Fairchild Channel F video game console, which was the main competitor to the Atari system. However, Lawson’s contribution was only possible by him using the 8-bit microprocessor Fairchild F8 Central Processing Unit (CPU), developed by white engineers at the Fairchild Company. Without disparaging Lawson’s design capabilities, it can be asserted that without the F8 CPU, the gaming unit would never have been created.
Myth 6: Laser cataract surgery.
The claim: Patricia Bath “transformed eye surgery” by inventing the first laser device to treat cataracts in 1988.
The truth: Use of lasers to treat cataracts in the eye began to develop in the mid-1970s. M.M. Krasnov of Russia reported the first such procedure in 1975. One of the earliest US patents for laser cataract removal (#3,982,541) was issued to Francis L’Esperance in 1976.
In later years, a number of experimenters worked independently on laser devices for removing cataracts, including Daniel Eichenbaum, whose work became the basis of the Paradigm Photon™ device; and Jack Dodick, whose Dodick Laser PhotoLysis System eventually became the first laser unit to win FDA approval for cataract removal in the United States.
Myth 7: 3-D graphics technology used in films.
The claim: Invented by Marc Hannah in 1982.
The truth: Although Hannah is a specialist in developing the computer hardware which filmmakers and others use to create 3-D graphics, the actual company for which he works, Silicon Graphics, Inc. (SGI), was founded in 1981 by Jim Clark, whose research work in computer graphics led to the development of systems for the fast rendering of three-dimensional computer images.
Myth 8: The gas mask.
The claim: Invented by Garrett Morgan in 1914.
The truth: The invention of the gas mask predates Morgan’s breathing device by several decades. Early versions were constructed by the Scottish chemist John Stenhouse in 1854 and the physicist John Tyndall in the 1870s, among many other inventors prior to World War I.
Myth 9: The traffic signal.
The claim: Invented by Garrett A. Morgan in 1923.
The truth: The first known traffic signal appeared in London in 1868 near the Houses of Parliament. Designed by J.P. Knight, it featured two semaphore arms and two gas lamps. The earliest electric traffic lights include Lester Wire’s two-color version set up in Salt Lake City circa 1912, James Hoge’s system (US patent #1,251,666) installed in Cleveland by the American Traffic Signal Company in 1914, and William Potts’ 4-way red-yellow-green lights introduced in Detroit beginning in 1920. New York City traffic towers began flashing three-color signals also in 1920.
Garrett Morgan’s cross-shaped, crank-operated semaphore was not among the first half-hundred patented traffic signals, nor was it “automatic” as is sometimes claimed, nor did it play any part in the evolution of the modern traffic light.
Myth 10: Peanut butter.
The claim: Invented by George Washington Carver in 1903.
The truth: Peanuts, which are native to the New World tropics, were mashed into paste by Aztecs hundreds of years ago. Evidence of modern peanut butter comes from US patent #306727 issued to Marcellus Gilmore Edson of Montreal, Quebec in 1884, for a process of milling roasted peanuts between heated surfaces until the peanuts reached “a fluid or semi-fluid state.” As the product cooled, it set into what Edson described as “a consistency like that of butter, lard, or ointment.”
In 1890, George A. Bayle Jr., owner of a food business in St. Louis, manufactured peanut butter and sold it out of barrels. J.H. Kellogg, of cereal fame, secured US patent #580787 in 1897 for his “Process of Preparing Nutmeal,” which produced a “pasty adhesive substance” that Kellogg called “nut-butter.”
Myth 11: The blood bank.
The claim: Created by Dr. Charles Drew in 1940.
The truth: During World War I, Dr. Oswald H. Robertson of the US army preserved blood in a citrate-glucose solution and stored it in cooled containers for later transfusion. This was the first use of “banked” blood.
By the mid-1930s the Russians had set up a national network of facilities for the collection, typing, and storage of blood. Bernard Fantus, influenced by the Russian program, established the first hospital blood bank in the United States at Chicago’s Cook County Hospital in 1937. It was Fantus who coined the term “blood bank.”
Myth 12: Washington DC city plan.
The claim: The city was designed and laid out by Benjamin Banneker.
The truth: Pierre-Charles L’Enfant created the layout of Washington DC. Banneker assisted Andrew Ellicott in the survey of the federal territory, but played no direct role in the actual planning of the city.
Myth 13: The air brake/automatic air brake. The claim: Invented by Granville Woods in 1904.
The truth: In 1869, a 22-year-old George Westinghouse received US patent #88929 for a brake device operated by compressed air, and in the same year organized the Westinghouse Air Brake Company.
Myth 14: The air conditioner. The claim: Invented by Frederick Jones in 1949.
The truth: Dr. Willis Carrier built the first machine to control both the temperature and humidity of indoor air. He received the first of many patents in 1906 (US patent #808897, for the “Apparatus for Treating Air”). In 1911 he published the formulae that became the scientific basis for air conditioning design, and four years later formed the Carrier Engineering Corporation to develop and manufacture AC systems.
There are many more such examples, but the topic would become tedious.
To believe that a people who, only 170 years ago, did not have the wheel, could produce ancient civilizations and invent modern machinery, beggars belief.
Didn’t write this article, just posted it for your info.
Ladies and Gentlemen it gives me great pleasure to reveal this information to all of you. It will provide justice for Germany. This is a document that shows the true hearts of the German People. I am in awe and very glad to see proof of the lies of the Jews.
This is an SS document that has been translated to reveal the truth. Praise be to Yahweh!
The Laws Of The SS Order
Duties of the SS-man regarding marriage and engagement
31st December 1931
1. The SS is a selected formation of German Nordic men.
2. According to the National-Socialist worldview and understanding, that the future of our nation lies in the selection and preservation of the good and healthy blood, I am introducing from 1st January 1932 on, for all not married SS members the “Marriage approval”.
3. The goal we are striving for is a genetically valuable, healthy family of a Nordic German type.
4. The Marriage approval will be given or withdrawn only on the grounds of race and genetic health.
5. Every SS-man who wants to marry, has to receive the approval of the Reichsführer- SS.
6. SS-members who will marry despite the disapproval of the marriage will have to leave of their own accord or face expulsion from the SS.
7. The professional review of the marriage applications is done by the Racial department of the SS.
8. The Racial department of the SS keeps a “Family book of the SS” containing a register of the families of SS members, which are entered either after marriage approval, or special application for entry in the book.
9. The Reichsführer- SS, the leader and officers of the Racial department are sworn to confidentiality.
10. The SS knows that with this order it has made an important step. Mockery, contempt and misunderstanding will not touch us – the future belongs to us!
The SS law of honour
9th November 1935
1) Every SS-man has the right and the duty to defend his honour with a weapon.
a) An SS-man is every member who was an SS leader (at least Untersturmführer) by 9th November 1935 and also every member who was by 30th January 1936 in the SS for three years already.
b) In the future an SS member will be every SS applicant, who will be fully accepted into SS by giving him an SS dagger on 9th November – after serving his service as an SS applicant, after giving an oath to the Führer, after honourable service in his work and military service.
c) For SS men who at the time of their admission to the SS in years 1933, 1934 and 1935 were at least 23 years old, do not have to fulfil letter b). All the others new SS men who were not 23 years old yet can only become full members after giving their military service.
3) With validity from 9th November 1935 the SA honour law is declared to be invalid for the SS†.
4) From 9th November 1935 the court and honour regulations are valid for the SS.
Establishment of the association “Lebensborn”
13th September 1936
With the letter from 13th December 1934 I have already reminded all SS leaders of the fact that our struggle would be meaningless if we do not add to the political victory the victory of births of good blood.
The question of having many children is not a private business of individuals but a duty to his ancestors and our nation.
The SS has already made the first step by the marriage and engagement order from December 1931. But to make good marriages is useless when from these numerous offspring will not result.
I expect the SS and especially the SS leadership to be an example in this.
The minimal number of children in a good and healthy marriage is at least 4 children. If because of tragic conditions of destiny it is impossible to bring one’s own children to the marriage, every SS leader should adopt racially and genetically healthy children and bring them up in the spirit of National-Socialism and give them appropriate education according to their abilities.
For the choice and selection of appropriate children for the SS leadership there is the association “Lebensborn”. This association is under my personal command and is integrated into the SS Race and Settlement Main Office. Its main task is:
1) To support racially valuable and biologically healthy families with numerous children.
2) To accommodate and take care of racially and biologically healthy future mothers, for which after detailed examination of her family and the family of the father through the SS Race and Settlement Main Office we can assume that the coming children will be just as valuable.
3) To take care of these children
4) To take care of the mothers of these children
For all SS leaders it is a duty to become a member of the “Lebensborn” association. The entry declaration Nr. I shall be delivered by 23rd September 1936.
The sum of the member fee of full-time SS leaders from Hauptsturmführer and higher are listed in the attached chart. Full-time working SS Unter- and Obersturmführer of any age pay a minimum sum of 1 Reichsmark.
From the non-full-time SS leaders and other SS men I expect that, if possible, they would become members of “Lebensborn” with a contribution appropriate to their income and thus carry the work with us and practically realize the thought of the family community of SS on this field. The unit leaders should disseminate message in an appropriate way to their subordinated SS leaders and SS men. The unit leaders are responsible for the recruiting of members for “Lebensborn”. The non-full-time leaders and members of SS shall fill in the entry declaration Nr. II and send it to the “Lebensborn” association by the 1st October 1936.
I will personally be interested to find out about the success of my inquiry.
May every SS leader remember that in the Kampfzeit only the personal and materials sacrifices brought us forward and that the further development of Germany for coming centuries and millenniums will be impossible if not all of us will be ready to do our obvious duty.
Elementary law about the holiness of property
9th November 1936
1. To our ancestors the property of the others was holy and untouchable. For example, a bundle of hay was a clear sign to not permit the trespassing over someone’s field.
2. During our unfortunate German history and especially in the after-war years and inflation period the notion of property and strict laws about fairness, non-corruption, sincerity and holiness of entrusted property have blurred.
3. Theft, tricks, fraud and waste of entrusted public means are still everyday reality in Germany. The laws sadly punish such crimes only in a limited way. Significant parts of the German nation and also many members of the SS take the crimes against written and non-written laws about property too easy.
4. In my opinion we shall return to these views of our ancestors in the SS and not only handle so that we would not break any present law but also would not break any of those firm not-written laws of our nation. I feel it is a shame for us Germans and especially for SS-men when in other countries as for example Scandinavia or Japan everyone can leave his property freely in a public place because he knows that no one from his nation would steal it. We would want to introduce this knowledge, decency and habits into our ranks of the SS and live them as an example.
5. I therefore order that from 1st December 1936 on in all accommodation buildings of SS troops the locks on lockets would be removed. Service and secret directives which regulate the manipulation of things which we got from our enemies should still remain valid when it is appropriate according to special orders of the SS main leadership.
6. These especially important basic questions called to attention in this law should be often a subject of education and friendly reminding. After a short time it must be a self-evident thing for every SS member that he would not take anything from his comrade, from something so unimportant as a cigarette to precious valuables.
7. Also I expect from all the SS members that they would deal with the service money and service objects with great but not too exaggerated preciseness and in all cases when there is no regulation they should decide in accordance with their conscience.
8. In the future I will handle all offences against the property and honour with the strictest punishments.
From the spirit of our organization I expect that very soon no punishments of such kind will be necessary as men who go against the holiness of property will not be in the † in the future anymore.
Elementary law about obligatory saving
9th November 1937
1. The chaos of past centuries has not only blurred the notion of property in the German nation but also has made the notion of getting in debts an honourable and everyday thing.
2. Within the staff of the Reichsführer-SS there was created an institution “Economic help” which has the task to help those SS-men who in the past and in the Kampfzeit mostly without moral fault got into deep financial problems through unemployment and collapse of the economy and make them able to balance out their obligations in the foreseeable future.
3. But for the future I see it as unsubstantial and impossible that a person would buy more than he can pay for. I think that buying through instalments for 12 months a person should rather save money for those 12 months and then pay for the desired object in cash.
4. So that we could help the SS-man who despite all economic handling has it hard to materially survive, it is necessary that all SS men would help. Through our own forces we would want to create an account from which it would be possible after one year already to borrow money to an SS-man in need which he would then pay back in a foreseeable time without being economically confined by it.
5. Therefore I order that every SS-man would give 1 Mark from his salary to the saving account of the SS. The same applies for all full-time SS leaders and SS men. SS applicants, who have as recruits in the action group and Totenkopf-units in the first year a lower salary, pay a lower contribution.
6. From all non-full-time SS leaders and men of the General SS I expect that they will go as an example too and pay the contributions in full and voluntarily and therefore would help to achieve the goal.
7. The goal is that the SS would be made economically strong from its own means to such an extent, that it could support and strengthen in friendly spirit the individual SS men and their families through loans and other economic help when needed.
8. I give the task of obligatory saving to the maintenance chef of the SS.
Elementary law about the care of the widows and orphans
9th November 1937
9. The SS as a sworn community of SS families has the holy task to stick to the wives and children of dead comrades.
10. I therefore, order that the commanders i.e. leaders of storm units, units, sections and upper sections would undertake the care of the widows and orphans of SS comrades.
11. This task is not sufficient to be fulfilled only through financial support. In my opinion even more important than that is the manly protection and help in an appropriate way to a family which has lost its father and now has to face the life struggle without a man.
Just as holy is the duty that we would take care of the raising and educating the valuable children of these SS families and feel responsibility for it.
12. The commanders have to put this task into practice as this personal goal cannot be undertaken over by anyone else.
For the maintenance part of this task the commanders of SS care institutions of a unit stand ready.
The Reichsführer-SS
signed: Himmler
Ladies and Gentlemen, As the bible is actually the book of the race of Adam, I thought I’d condense it and bring to light the war we all are involved in, either knowingly or unknowingly. Praise be to Yahweh the most high!
The books of the Apocrypha are extremely important and do speak much about the racial aspects of the Scriptures. They also include several important addendum to stories that are in the bible. These books were included in the King James Version of the bible. These books explain much and fill in lost years between the testaments.
William P. Gale says that the bible is the book of the race of Adam and I believe him to be correct. Where did he get this from you ask? KJV Genesis 5:1 This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him; (Gen. 5:1 KJV) Here in the Hebrew we see the word generations:08435 תּוֹלְדָה towledah {to-led-aw’} or תֹּלְדָה toledah {to-led-aw’} Meaning: 1) descendants, results, proceedings, generations, genealogies 1a) account of men and their descendants 1a1) genealogical list of one’s descendants 1a2) one’s contemporaries 1a3) course of history (of creation etc) 1b) begetting or account of heaven (metaph)
Since Yahweh states over and over Kind after kind, one must realize that kind, bloodline, descendants, lineage and offspring, if kept pure, would be of the same race. The race of Adam was just that. Yahweh puts great importance in keeping the bloodline pure. If things got out of hand, He would destroy the polluted race line and continue with the pure line.
This is what happened with Noah and the local flood.
As it was in the Garden, the Devil and his offspring tried to destroy the race of Adam and spoil Yahweh’s plans. This has continued all through history right up and to this day. The Devil and his literal offspring known as Jews, seed line of Cain, Edomites in modern Jewry and Khazars et al, have been at war with the race of Adam and plan on trying to wipe us off the planet, thus ruining Yahweh’s plans. Nothing new under the sun dear reader.
Watch this video and you shall see the war that was declared or should I say commanded by Yahweh Himself. KJV Genesis 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. (Gen. 3:15 KJV) as seen in this verse, the word seed is used for the serpent and for Mother Eve. Let’s look at it in the Hebrew :02233 זֶרַע zera` {zeh’-rah} Meaning: 1) seed, sowing, offspring 1a) a sowing 1b) seed 1c) semen virile 1d) offspring, descendants, posterity, children 1e) of moral quality 1e1) a practitioner of righteousness (fig.) 1f) sowing time (by meton) Notice the Serpent’s seed(OFFSPRING) and the Woman’s seed (OFFSPRING) are the same. This is proof of the war between the two seed lines.
A comment on the movie from genesis777 on my you tube channel:
The Bible was written EXCLUSIVELY for the Race of Adam: Genesis 5:1: This book is the race of Adam..Definition of Adam:Adam Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance To show blood in the face , i.e. Flush or turn rosy — be ruddy.. Adam was of a white and rosy ruddy complexion, able to blush, show red in the face, Only applicable to the white race..
1 Peter 2:9: For ye are a chosen race, a people belonging especially to god.. The race of Adam: Adam’s Father, Luke 3:38 Father of Adam, God.. God is the Father of ONLY the white race: Psalm 82:6 For I have said Ye are Gods and children of the most high. His chosen race, and him being the Father means the white race are his LITERAL children on the earth.. The ONLY family he even knows.. Amos 3:2: Of all the families upon the earth only you have I known..Description of Abraham’s wife Sarah from the Dead Sea Scrolls.Her skin was pure white; ‘She had long lovely hair; Her limbs were smooth and rounded (her thighs were shapely) ‘She had slender legs and small feet; ‘Her hand were slim and long and so were her fingers.’
The following is a description of Sarah from the Genesis Apocryphon; page 486 published by Penguin Classics …..and beautiful is her face! How…fine are the hairs of her head! How lovely are her eyes! How desirable her nose and all the radiance of her countenance… How fair are her breasts and how beautiful all her whiteness!
How pleasing are her arms and how perfect her hands! How fair are her palms and how long and slender are her fingers! How comely are her feet, how perfect her thighs! No virgin or bride led into the marriage chamber is more beautiful than she; she is fairer than all other women. Truly her beauty is greater than theirs Yet together with all this grace she posses abundant wisdom, so that whatever she does is perfect.
The white race ARE the true semites and the Hebrews: Noah was saved because he was perfect in his race, he did not mongrelize with the pre-Adamic negro beasts of the field, nor the pre-Adamic Mongolian asiatics..
NOAH: 2. And his body was white as snow and red as the blooming of a rose and the hair of his head and his long locks were white as wool, and his eyes beautiful..
The Semites are from Noah’s white son Shem.. The Hebrews are from Shem’s white son Heber.. Jesus Christ was born through the family of the white King David.. Romans 1:3 3
Concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David according to the fleshKing David: 1 Samual 17:42: And when the Philistine looked about, and saw David, he disdained him: for he was but a youth and ruddy and of a fair countenance.. Goliath hated David because he was white no different than today!
King Davids white son Solomon: Solomon 5:10 My beloved is white and ruddy the chiefest among ten thousand..
Jesus Christ was also white and ruddy the definition of Adam.. 1 Corinthians 15:45 The first MAN, Adam, BECAME A LIVING SOUL, The last Adam (Christ) became a life-giving spirit. Romans 5:14 Nevertheless death reigned from Adam until Moses, even over those who had not sinned in the likeness of the offense of Adam, who is a type of Him who was to come. That type a White man~ Lamentations 4:7 Her Nazarites were purer than snow, they were whiter than milk they were more ruddy in body than rubies.. Nazarite = Nazarene.. Christ was a Nazarite and he was the definition of Adam, He was white and ruddy.. Matthew 2:23 And Jesus dwelt in a city called Nazareth: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophets, He shall be called a Nazarene. God is not the father of the negroes, or the asiatics, and he rejects all of the mixed population, i’e bastards, Hebrew word Mamzer definition, Mongrel or Half Breed.. Deuteronomy 23:2 A bastard shall not enter into the Congregation of the Lord: even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the Congregation of the Lord.
Bastard Strong’s Number H4464 matches the Hebrew מַמְזֵר (mamzer ), the mixed populationMongrel,Half Breed
In seeking to determine what the Bible teaches, it is necessary to start at the beginning. Nobody can squirm around the basic premise of Adam and Eve being of the same race. I don’t know of any versions that say they were the first two Orientals or Negroes. History depicts them as White.
We can identify them by rightly dividing the word Adam, which means man. Strong’s Concordance elaborates on this kind of man (#119, 120) being ruddy, to show blood in the face, i.e. to blush or turn rosy. From Thomas O’Brien’s book “Verboten” we glean from his commentary that, “Even the ability to blush (show blood in the face) is confined to only the White race. This is caused by your subconscious which only God controls, as He breathed His Living Spirit into Adam who passed it on to you, his White descendants. You are an infinitesimal projection of your Creator, so when you do or say something embarrassing, your subconscious rushes blood to your face. The colored races, not having been endowed with God’s Spirit, have no abstract sense of right or wrong, consequently are never embarrassed.” It is a misnomer to call other races or species mankind. In the book of Genesis, God’s Law of kind after kind was established, meaning species. The Bible we have in our hands today repeatedly teaches about ‘seed after its own kind’ in which each and every species of plants and animals propagate within their own kind. In the case of Adam kind, it is clearly the White race. The Bible interprets itself by declaring that “This is the book of the generations of Adam” (Gen. 5:1). Generations means the racial genetic posterity. You can read more details in the article “The Adamic Creation”.
All historical depictions of Yahshua prove that He was White. All of the statuary and coinage of the Greco-Roman world depicts only White people. The CNN video “Shroud of Turin” shows a White man:
THE JEWS STOLE THE SCRIPTURES!Wednesday Night Bible Study – Questions and AnswersBy Dr. Wesley A. SwiftQUESTION: Well, then do the Jewish people just have their translation of the Scriptures?? ANSWER: The Jewish people do not have a translation of the scriptures. The Jewish people stole the Old Testament and their Rabbi wrote the Talmud taking out the supernatural factors from the Scriptures, making a perverted religion.
The Jewish people are not Israel.QUESTION: What do you mean, they stole the Scriptures? ANSWER: The Jewish people stole the Scriptures from the House of Israel, who today are the Anglo-Saxon, Normanic, Scandinavian, Germanic, Lombardic, and Basque people. But they stole it way back in the days when they came into the Temple at Jerusalem when Judah and Benjamin were trying to rebuild Jerusalem.. This was in the days of the battles of the Maccabees and the Hycranus people. And this was the time when they perverted areas of the scripture. After this they produced the complete Talmud. The Babylonian Talmud of today is the Jewish bible. But it is not the Scriptures at all. Yahweh changed the name of his people to Christians, The jews retained their name as a CURSE! Isaiah 65:15 You will leave your name for my chosen ones to use in their curses; the Sovereign LORD will put you to death, but to his servants he will give another name. Acts 11:26 The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch. WHAT were they called PRIOR to the Christians at Antioch ~ The ISRAELITES!
The jews are NOT the House of Israel who was Jacob and his 12 sons.. Yahweh knows all about the jews and their great MASQUERADE as his chosen race… Romans 9:26 “In the very place where it was said to them, ‘You are not my people,’ there they will be called ‘children of the living God.’” Who are told they are not God’s people but are told the jews are… THE WHITE CHRISTIANS!
Study to show thyself approved May Yahweh richly bless you Until next time David James
Definition of theosophy. 1 : teaching about God and the world based on mystical insight. 2 often capitalized : the teachings of a modern movement originating in the United States in 1875 and following chiefly Buddhist and Brahmanic theories especially of pantheistic evolution and reincarnation.
Theosophy, occult movement originating in the 19th century with roots that can be traced to ancient Gnosticism and Neoplatonism. The term theosophy, derived from the Greek theos (“god”) and sophia (“wisdom”), is generally understood to mean “divine wisdom.” Forms of this doctrine were held in antiquity by the Manichaeans, an Iranian dualist sect, and in the Middle Ages by two groups of dualist heretics, the Bogomils in Bulgaria and the Byzantine Empire and the Cathari in southern France and Italy. In modern times, theosophical views have been held by Rosicrucians and by speculative Freemasons. The international New Age movement of the 1970s and ’80s originated among independent theosophical groups in the United Kingdom.
The various forms of theosophical speculation have certain common characteristics. The first is an emphasis on mystical experience. Theosophical writers hold that there is a deeper spiritual reality and that direct contact with that reality can be established through intuition, meditation, revelation, or some other state transcending normal human consciousness. Theosophists also emphasize esoteric doctrine. Modern theosophists claim that all world religions contain such an inner teaching, and much attention is devoted to deciphering the meaning concealed in sacred texts. In addition, most theosophical speculation reveals a fascination with supernatural or other extraordinary occurrences and with the achievement of higher psychic and spiritual powers. Theosphists maintain that knowledge of the divine wisdom gives access to the mysteries of nature and humankind’s inner essence. Finally, theosophy displays a characteristic preference for monism (seepluralism and monism)—the view that reality is constituted of one principle or substance, such as mind or spirit. Although theosophists recognize the basic distinctions between the phenomenal world and a higher spiritual reality and between the human and the divine, which suggests dualism, most theosophists also affirm an overarching, all-encompassing unity that subsumes all differentiation. Associated with their monism are the beliefs that God is utterly transcendent and impersonal, that creation is the product of spiritual emanations from God, and that humans are sparks of the divine trapped in the material world who desire to return to their spiritual home.
The contemporary theosophical movement was born with the founding of the Theosophical Society in New York City in 1875 by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831–91), Henry Steel Olcott (1832–1907), and William Quan Judge (1851–96). A Russian aristocrat, Blavatsky immigrated to the United States in 1873 after many years of travel and study in Europe and the Middle East. Olcott, an American lawyer, newspaperman, and student of spiritualism—a 19th-century movement based on the belief that the living can contact the dead—soon fell under her sway and became the society’s president in 1875. They moved to India in 1878, eventually settling in Adyar (near Madras), which still serves as the international headquarters of the society. Branch societies were established throughout India and in the major cities of Europe and North America. A second organization, the Esoteric Section of the Theosophical Society, was established in London in 1888 to practice occultism and to facilitate the movement of the society’s members to a higher level of consciousness. Blavatsky also wrote the two-volume Isis Unveiled (1877), The Secret Doctrine, also in two volumes (1888), and other works that are recognized as classic expositions of theosophical doctrine.
Helena Blavatsky.
Henry Guttmann—Hulton Archive/Getty Images
The basic goals of the Theosophical Society are enunciated in the so-called Three Objects:
to form a nucleus of the universal brotherhood of humanity, without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste, or colour; to encourage the study of comparative religion, philosophy, and science; and to investigate unexplained laws of Nature and the powers latent in human beings.
In pursuing these objectives, the society has been a major conduit for Eastern teachers moving to the West and a starting point for many occult teachers and movements.
Although the movement enjoyed some early success, it suffered after Blavatsky became the focus of a major controversy. She claimed to be in regular contact with a brotherhood of Great Masters, or Adepts, who, she asserted, had perfected themselves and were directing the spiritual evolution of humanity. In 1884 a former employee and confidant accused her of faking the extraordinary phenomena that accompanied the reception of some messages from the Masters. That claim was investigated by William Hodgson, a member of the Society for Psychical Research in London, who concluded that the accusations were true. His report blunted the progress of the Theosophical Society for the rest of Blavatsky’s life.
Despite this setback, Blavatsky continued to make converts. While in England in 1897, she met the prominent British atheist leader Annie Besant (1847–1933), who converted to theosophy and placed her organizational and oratorical skills at the society’s disposal. When Blavatsky died four years later, Besant succeeded her as head of the Esoteric Section. Judge, who had led the American branch of the society while Blavatsky and Olcott were in India, felt slighted at Besant’s appointment and led the American branch out of the international body. After Judge’s death in 1896, Katherine Tingley (1847–1929) succeeded to the leadership of the Theosophical Society in America. At her instigation, the American headquarters were transferred to Point Loma (San Diego) in California, where a large community thrived for almost half a century. Tingley’s successor, Gottfried de Purucker (1874–1942), oversaw the sale of the property and the movement of the society’s headquarters to a Los Angeles suburb. This branch of the movement subsequently declined, and, at the end of the 20th century, only a few chapters remained.
Olcott maintained uneasy control over the international movement in the decade following Blavatsky’s death. At Olcott’s death in 1907, he was succeeded as president by Besant, who led the international society for the next quarter century. During this time the society experienced its greatest success, and Besant made it welcome in India by her support of Indian nationalism and her founding of numerous schools. She traveled and lectured widely and authored numerous books and articles, which contain useful introductions to theosophical belief.
Among Besant’s close associates was the Rev. Charles Webster Leadbeater. Impressed by the aura he perceived from Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895–1986), an obscure Indian youth, Leadbeater convinced Besant that Krishnamurti was the coming World Teacher, the messianic figure proclaimed by the Esoteric Section. Besant educated and promoted Krishnamurti and in the 1920s toured the world with him, but in 1929 Krishnamurti suddenly resigned from his designated role and broke with the society. Membership plunged, and the organization never returned to its earlier strength. Krishnamurti began a career as an independent writer and teacher. In 1930 he made the first of several annual tours through India, the United States, and Europe, where his books and lectures became quite popular; he also founded several schools. His teachings are preserved and disseminated by the Krishnamurti Foundation, which has branches throughout the world.
Annie Besant and Jiddu Krishnamurti, 1926.
General Photographic Agency/Hulton Archive/Getty Images
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Despite its relatively small membership, the Theosophical Society has been very influential. The society not only pioneered the promotion of Eastern thought in the West but also inspired the creation of more than 100 esoteric religious movements, including the Alice Bailey movement (Arcane School), the I Am movement, the Church Universal and Triumphant, and the Liberal Catholic Church.
Let me first start off with three verses in the book of Leviticus:
Leviticus 19:31 Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the LORD your God.
Leviticus 20:6 And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set my face against that soul, and will cut him off from among his people.
Leviticus 20:27 A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them.
I think that should shake your tree a little bit. Toto being the familiar in this story.
Dorothy comes back from school and finds everybody is too busy working on the farm.
The color of the film is dull and dreary representing life on the farm. This is part of the lure from the Jew in the city. The man who plays the scarecrow gives her a solution to her problem, but she just fluffs it off. Of course, the farm has pigs as well, something they were promoting heavily at the time.
I notice there are almost no examples of men at the farm which alludes to the lure as well. Go to the city and forget about the protections that the farm provided. This is how they isolated our youth from us and were able to destroy them while they were alone in the cities. The farm is a form of protection from Yahweh. It provided organic food without ridiculous pricing, protection for the family and community, protection from the government getting involved in peoples trades with one another, protection of free speech and thought, because you didn’t need to work for a Jew company who tries to keep people silenced through politically correct nonsense, and threatening people’s livelihood for saying or thinking things the Jews don’t want them to say or think, and so much more. Also, you didn’t have to worry about being dependent on supermarkets to sustain you. Think on these things people.
Auntie Em bosses all the hands around in a manly fashion and they obey. I notice that Dorothy has no friends, just a dog for a companion. This is the case for many of our women today because of the divisions that the Jew has caused.
The hooked nose Jewess who becomes the witch, got the Sheriff to give her permission to have the dog destroyed and if she doesn’t have her way, she said she’ll take the farm…. shades of Jewry? Her name? Elmira Gulch (Definition: a deep, narrow ravine, especially one marking the course of a stream or torrent) (Torrent Definition:
1. a stream of water flowing with great rapidity and violence.
a rushing, violent, or abundant and unceasing stream of anything: a torrent of lava.
a violent downpour of rain.
a violent, tumultuous, or overwhelming flow: a torrent of abuse.
So a gulch is created by a violent stream………..very interesting, Yes?)
and she owns half the county…hello? This is a period in American history during the great depression, which resulted from the Jews crashing the stock market in 1929 and transferring much wealth and property to themselves. They stole it from the White American people which continues to this day. She is ugly and is resentful of Dorothy’s youth…sound familiar? Toto escapes and comes back to Dorothy who has decided to leave the farm and run away. Just as she crosses the bridge, she comes upon Professor Marvel’s coach.
Professor Marvel says he never does anything without consulting his crystal first. Notice he doesn’t look to God (Yahweh) for answers. Can you see what they are teaching the children and how they shape the next generation? This film is teaching them to be dreamers and to follow your dreams. As if dreams were the most important thing in life.
He then tells her, this is the same crystal used by priests of Isis and Osiris in the days of the Pharohs of Egypt. Tells Dorothy to close her eyes and get in tune with the infinite.
By Ralph Waldo Trine
THERE is a golden thread that runs through every religion in the world. There is a golden thread that runs through the lives and the teachings to all the prophets, seers, sages, and saviors in the world’s history, through the lives of all men of truly great and lasting power. All that they have ever done or attained to has been done in full accordance with law.
What one has done, all may do. This same golden thread must enter into the lives of all who today, in this busy work-a-day world of ours, would exchange impotence for power, weakness and suffering for abounding health and strength pain and unrest for perfect peace, poverty of whatever nature for fullness and plenty. Each is building their own world. We both build from within and we attract from without. Thought is the force with which we build, for thoughts are forces. Like builds like and like attracts like. In the degree that thought is spiritualized does it become more subtle and powerful in its workings. This spiritualizing is in accordance with law and is within the power of all. Everything is first worked out in the unseen before it is manifested in the seen, in the ideal before it is realized in the real, in the spiritual before it shows forth in the material. The realm of the unseen is the realm of cause. The realm of the seen is the realm of effect. The nature of effect is always determined and conditioned by the nature of its cause. To point out the great facts in connection with, and the great laws underlying the workings of the interior, spiritual, thought forces, to point them out so simply and so clearly that even a child can understand, is the author’s aim. To point them out so simply and so clearly that all can grasp them, that all can take them and infuse them into everyday life, so as to mold it in all its details in accordance with what they would have it, is his purpose That life can be thus molded by them is not a matter of mere speculation or theory with him, but a matter of positive knowledge. There is a divine sequence running throughout the universe. Within and above and below the human will incessantly works the Divine will. To come into harmony with it and thereby with all the higher laws and forces, to come then into league and to work in conjunction with them, in order that they can work in league and in conjunction with us, is to come into the chain of this wonderful sequence. This is the secret of all success. This is to come into the possession of unknown riches, into the realization of undreamed-of powers.
Ralph Waldo Trine
Within yourself lies the cause of whatever enters into your life. To come into the full realization of your own awakened inner powers is to be able to condition your life in exact accord with what you would have it.
Sounds just like theosophy Right?
The upside down star of the goat of Mendes is in the background. This adult is clearly a fraud and the children will see that. He is portrayed as a kind old man who is lying to get her to go home…the ends justify the means. So Dorothy heads home.
I believe the upside down star also represents Satan’s five point plan, and it’s a pipe dream for he, and his followers. We see this star in the Pentagon, but the arms of the star are folded in. This plan is outlined in the book of Isaiah chapter 14:
12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.
The right side up star stands for the Devil’s offspring, the Jews. It’s called the star of Amelek. We see this star everywhere, especially on our war machines. Notice it’s on Russia’s war machines as well.
Just a note: There is a tornado coming which is shown to be another negative about the farm. So, we see the portrayal of the farm as a dull, simple, dangerous, boring place where people have to work hard for a living and have no time for dreams…………………………………………………
She is now in her dream and is far away from the farm. Now the film is fully colored and vibrant…Alive, as opposed to the dead farm. Here Dorothy is recognized as a hero and everybody pays attention to her…something our women really desire. She meets with a so-called, good witch which of course, is nonsense. She asks Dorothy…Are you a good witch or a bad witch? She says, only bad witches are ugly.
They sing…she fell from a star. Glinda continually tells her she is a witch and Dorothy asks her where she should begin, and the Glinda tells her to begin at the beginning. She tells her to go to the Emerald city where the Wizard is. Tells her to follow the yellow brick road which is, at the start of it, an ancient Goddess Emblem symbolizing the universal pattern of growth in nature. It is a witchcraft sign. We will later see where this road really leads. When the wicked witch of the west disappears, she does so with a flaming fire. This is proof she is one of the children of the flame. They say: we came from the flame and we return to the flame, and indeed they truly shall. I must also tell you this…like the Freemasons and new age idiots, Dorothy and her 4 companions are on a quest. Yes, the Emerald city is light and they are seeking something from the Wizard. The scarecrow seeks intellect, the tin man seeks more feelings, which is what the devil and his offspring, the Jews, use against us all the time. The Lion seeks courage which can be the need to be a hero, to receive praise, to be exalted. Dorothy wants to go home.
Note: The reason for it being the Emerald city is because that is Satan’s favorite color, not red as you may have thought. The scarecrow wants to get a brain, yet he does all the thinking, which is exactly what theosophy teaches. You don’t need God (Yahweh) to have knowledge or wisdom, look within yourself, because it’s already within you. Also, you should seek a Wizard’s counsel or Lucifer (Heylel) to become illuminated and intellectualized. See the string of thought that is interjected.
The tin man sings: I’d be friends with the sparrows, and the boy who shoots the arrows, if I only had a heart. Well, Cupid is a representation of Nimrod shooting arrows at Yahweh from the top of the tower of Babel. How do you like them arrows? As the quest continues, they begin to fear, and then comes the lion who joins the quest.
Next we see the witch with her monkey servant (BLACK). She says she will poison those on the quest with something that’s attractive to the eye and soothing to the smell…poppies. The witch says poppies will put them to sleep. Well, just a thought, the television is attractive to the eye and you watch it at home, a place with attractive smells in the kitchen and it has put the whole world to sleep.
They begin to fall asleep and the scarecrow says this is a spell, that’s what this is, and he is exactly right. We are under the spell of Hollywood, the spell of Talmudvision, the spell of the Media, the spell of the Jewish version of Christianity with its Jewish Jesus, the spell of the Devil and his literal offspring, the Jews. Turn it all off and you will awaken from this spell that has caused us to sleep deeply for decades. The Jews brag about this in the book…An Empire Of Their Own: How The Jews Invented Hollywood. They claim they put a spell on us, and they certainly have. Let’s continue.
Then we hear this song called optimistic voices:
You’re out of the woods You’re out of the dark You’re out of the night Step into the sun Step into the light
Keep straight ahead for the most glorious place On the face of the earth or the sky Hold onto your breath Hold onto your heart Hold onto your hope March up to the gate and bid it open
You’re out of the woods You’re out of the dark You’re out of the night Step into the sun Step into the light March up to the gate and bid it open, open
Why, Satan’s kingdom is the most glorious place on the face of the earth or the sky. Step into his light. Isn’t it odd that Yahweh’s Kingdom is not the most glorious place on the face of the earth or the sky? Don’t seek Him for anything right? Great message for the youth. You can be a witch instead, and seek Lucifer’s kingdom and his intellectual light. He’ll give you a heart, a brain, a home, and some courage. Ladies and Gentlemen, we are truly living in an upside down world with affirmative action leaders, affirmative action governments, affirmative action people, and their affirmative action so-called god. Just like our world, people play multiple parts in the Emerald city and they do it without the public being aware of it.
The lion is a symbol not only of the tribe of Judah, but a symbol of strength and nobility of kingship. Here it is mocked as well as the Anglo Saxon society. The male and female singers of white society had supreme vibrato in their ability and it is also mocked here, opening the door to lesser singers who had not the capability.
Just like the wizard, the Devil is a fraud. It says this about him in the book of Isaiah 14: 16 They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms;
Here we see the negro servants of the Jews sent to destroy, just like it is today around the world. These are hybrids just like many of them today. Look Familiar?
Now the Jew, I mean witch, has Dorothy. The witch has an army of negros and an army of hooked nosed Jews like her.
The pics are priceless pieces of evidence and I love it. As you can see, I mean what I say, LOL. The witch sets the scarecrow on fire and Dorothy throws the bucket of water on the witch, which causes the witch’s death. Here we see what I told you all about before; the child of the flame was destroyed by the child of the water and so it shall be in the real world.
Today the children of the flame have a time to test the children of the water…a trial by fire, but at the end of it, the children of the water shall return the children of the flame to the fire. Remember the children of the flame say; we came from the flame and we shall return to the flame? The wizard had told them to bring back the broomstick of the witch and he would grant their wishes. They brought back the broomstick and he was going to go back on his promise, like the Devil, and his children the Jews, but Toto discovered the old man behind the curtain…like Isaiah 14:16 we which read previously.
He gives the scarecrow a diploma from the universitatis comitatus e pluribus unum. Out of many one. He immediately has Freemasonic intellect sighting the Pythagrean theorem
In mathematics, the Pythagorean theorem, also known as Pythagoras‘ theorem, is a fundamental relation in Euclidean geometry among the three sides of a right triangle. It states that the square of the hypotenuse (the side opposite the right angle) is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides.
The lion receives the medal the triple cross, who some believe is the mark of the beast.
Wizard tells the tin man that he’s lucky not to have a heart. He says hearts can never be practical until they can be made unbreakable. He says remember, a heart is not judged by how much you love, but by how much you are loved by others…heavy lie right here.
We are judged by how much we love and the bible says, John 18 If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.
19 If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.
Folks, thing are not always what they seem, if the whole world loved you, you would know something was wrong. Right or wrong?
The wizards says; Dorothy, you and I will return to the land of E Plurbus Unim…out of many one. Out of many countries, one world, out of many religions, one religion, out of many currencies, one world money system. Dorothy misses the balloon and Glinda the witch shows up and tells Dorothy she has always had the ability to go home. When asked, Dorothy says, if I ever go looking for my heart’s desire again, I won’t go looking any further than my own back yard. Because if it isn’t there, I never really lost it to begin with.
This is the philosophy of theosophy. You don’t need some outside source to be your strength, you’ve always had it within the divine spark inside of you, thus, your own backyard. All you will ever need is within you and you need to learn that for yourself, just like Dorothy.
This contradicts the bible and our need to look to Yahweh for wisdom, knowledge, strength, guidance, righteousness, and redemption. There are many more things I could list, but I think you get the point. No, I wouldn’t consult a crystal ball from the priests of Isis and Osiris and neither should you. Hollywood has proven itself dangerous and it has gotten worse as time progresses. We need to look the other way towards our Father in heaven if we are to break this spell.
I would agree, there’s no place like home! Our home is with our Father Yahweh! Stay tuned next week for part two.
Here’s the videos that go along with this article:
Ladies and Gentlemen, today I came across an article that was called “Tucker Carlson Humiliates Jew Kurt Eichenwald.” I don’t usually give any attention to the fake main stream media controlled by the Cahilla. I am not just pointing at 666FOX news here, they all are controlled by the Cahilla: a portion of the body of the devil consisting of world Jewry. The axis of Shaitan’s spinal column are two Princes of the-Jews and one roving ambassador who answer to no one but the King of the Jews (POSSIBLY SOROS).
Shaitan has seven verterbras in his back bone. His spinal cord has 1,000 nerve fibers. They are the Luciferian priesthood known in Christendom as the Learned Elders of Zion. They are equally divided between the Western and Eastern Hemispheres. His nerve system is a 7 x 7 super-secret organization known as the Cahilla. The verterbras in his back bone are seven offices from which emanate the nerve system consisting of seven Ministers under seven Archcensors(7 x 7 = 49 Ministers). Under each Minister are seven Heralds(7 x 49 343 Heralds). Under each Herald are seven Couriers (7 x343 = 2,401 Couriers). Under each Courier are seven Scribes (7 x 2,401 = 16,807 Scribes). Under each Scribe are seven Auditors(7 x 16,807 = 117,649 Auditors). Under each Auditor are seven Mutes (7 x 117,649 = 823,543 Mutes).
With the 500 Luciferian priests, the Archcensors, the king and prince there are 961,301 Jews in each hemispherical Cahilla section. Adding the 24 B’nai B’rith Jews in the two Cabinets of the king and his coregentand the roving ambassador, there are 1,922,627 Jews in the hemispherical brains and nerve system of Shaitan the Serpent. That Cabal and the Jewish race are the brains, nerve system, teeth, claws, back bone and body of Satan in the material plane, and their collective evilness is the Devil and his demons in the spiritual plane.
That is the talking Snake who spiritually-sabotaged our Adamic That is the talking Snake who spiritually-sabotaged our Adamic progenitors. It is a race of material vampires. It is a counterfeit race of Devils not created by God.(Taken from B.F.Jackson’s “Mystery Of The Serpent.”)
The scribes are these Jews who write for Hollywood, for newspapers, magazines, television programming, (FAKE) news programming etc. I am no advocate of the mainstream media. They are not functioning properly and haven’t for over a hundred years. They have deceived the public and have not exposed corruption: because the Jews who own and run the main stream media are the perpetrators or let me coin this new word “perpetraitors” of this same corruption. 6 Jews own and run 96% of the media worldwide. This should be stopped immediately and when it is stopped, journalism and the press will return to be a properly functioning organ of society. When this happens, dignity and respect for journalism and the journalists themselves will return. With this wise move, corruption will be exposed and society will be in a much healthier state. As corruption is exposed, this will stop the encouragement of it and begin to drive the evildoers into a state of fear, thus paralyzing them and teaching them that there are consequences for evildoers.
Let face the facts: the Jews own and run the mainstream media which allows and emboldens them to commit crimes of all kinds, knowing that their deeds will be covered up by the their brothers and sisters in the Main Stream Media. In the very first paragraph of protocol No. 3 the leaders of Jewry admit Jewry is the Serpent race of Satan. We first observe that Reptilian race in the third chapter of Genesis in our Bible. Also, the Protocols tell us that they will have the politicians and journalists caught up in blackmail to keep them in line. If they should get out of line, the Jews would threaten to expose them.
Here in this video, we see the Jew holding up a book and threatening Tucker Carlson several times with it. It didn’t work though. I want you to notice that this so-called journalist Jew was using his Twitter account to spread lies and make up things about Donald Trump. When Tucker Carlson says this is bogus journalism, the Jew goes nuts. Tucker asks him to answer one simple question: Was Donald Trump ever in a mental hospital in 1990? The Jew says he’s being victimized and accused by Tucker and has the right to answer the question. As the Jew continues on, he does not answer the question, and he makes up more lies about Donald Trump. Carlson says..Yes Or No was Donald Trump ever in a mental hospital in 1990? The Jew says this is a question that can’t be answered by a Yes or No.
Let me point out here what Yahshua (JESUS) said in Matthew 5:37 “But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil”. These Jews are the literal offspring of Heylel (LUCIFER) period. They are liars and murderers and as you know they are Christ Killers. Now for one of the most famous scriptures: John 8:44:
“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it”.
Ladies and Gentlemen, he was speaking to the Jews Not the Israelites. There is a difference you know. A Jew is not an Israelite and an Israelite is not and cannot be a Jew Period. Let’s see this Jew and watch his arrogance and his lies and his pretense of authority over Mr Carlson.
Let me point out here what Yahshua(JESUS)said in Matthew 5:37 “But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil”. These Jews are the literal offspring of Heylel(LUCIFER) period. They are liars and murderers and as you know they are Christ Killers. Now for one of the most famous scriptures: John 8:44:
“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it”.
Ladies and Gentlemen, he was speaking to the Jews Not the Israelites. There is a difference you know. A Jew is not an Israelite and an Israelite is not and cannot be a Jew Period. Let’s see this Jew and watch his arrogance and his lies and his pretense of authority over Mr Carlson.
Watch it several times to get a deeper understanding and watch him threaten Carlson with exposure from his white notebook. If you can’t see that this Jew and all of his so called race are our enemies, then you are tricked, dumb, deaf and blind.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I have just completed this new series of teachings entitled “The Mystery Of The Serpent”. I believe this series to be the most important teachings you will ever hear. In this series, you will learn what is really taking place in this world. You will have answers to questions you’ve always wanted to know. You will also know why all these things are taking place around you, and most importantly, you will know who’s been doing these things. Do not underestimate these words. If you are really searching for the ultimate truth, then listen to these shows very carefully, then listen again. Share this extremely valuable information with others so that they will have the chance to know the truth and be able to see the biggest picture of all. Each of these parts are equally important.